Craving something oriental? The easiest way to satisfy your cravings is to use typical spice blends of certain country along with your favorite food.
In next few posts I'll give recipes of spice blends from different parts of the World. Today it is Turkey. This spice blend can be used with any meat.
2 lamb cutlets for each person
vegetables for grilling (your choice)
olive oil
Baharat Spice mix-
4 teas black pepper
3 teas coriander seeds
3 teas cinnamon
3 teas cloves
4 teas cumin seeds
1 teas cardamom pods
3 teas nutmeg
6 teas paprika
Grind all spices togheter. Rub lamb cutlets with this blend, salt it (optional). Brush cutlets with olive oil and grill on a very hot pan or bbq. Add some cut vegetables (zucchini, capsicum, eggplant, mushrooms) brushed with olive oil (and grilled), for complete meal. The rest of spice blen keep in a container with lid.
Jagnjeci kotleti sa Baharatom (Turskom mjesavinom zacina)
Najlaksi nacina za isprobati ukuse i mirise neke zemlje je da koristite njihove tipicne zacine. U nekoliko sljedecih postova cu dati recepte za zacine razlicitih zemalja. Danas je to Turska. Ovaj zacin se uglavnom koristi za utrljavanje u meso prije pecenja.
2 jagnjeca kotleta po osobi
Povrce po izboru, izrezano
Maslinovo ulje
Baharat mjesavina-
4 k crnog bibera
3 k korijander sjemena
3 k cimeta
3 k karanfilica
4 k kima
1 k kardamoma
3 k muskatnog / djeviz oraha
6 k paprike crvene
Sameljite (ili zdrobite) sve zacine zajedno, utljajte u meso, pa ga posolite i premazite uljem.
Povrce (paprike, gljive, tikvice, patlidzani) takodje namazite uljem i posolite
Pecite meso na veoma jakoj vatri - gril ili specijalna tava, zatim i povrce na nesto blazoj.
Visak mjesavine zatvorite u teglicu i cuvajte za sljedecu priliku.
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