1 package dry yeast
3/4 cup warm milk
3 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
3 eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
1 tablespoon grated orange zest
1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom
1/2 teas pure vanilla extract
3/4 cup walnuts, chopped
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup citrus peel, candied
1/4 cup dried cranberries
2 tbs Kirschwasser or Rum
Orange Glaze-
1 cup confectioner's (powdered) sugar
1 teas grated orange zest
1/4 teas pure orange extract
5 teaspoons freshly squeezed orange juice
In a small mixing bowl, combine dry fruit and brandy. Set aside to let the fruit soak.
In another bowl, combine yeast and warm milk; stir and let rest until yeast is dissolved, about 10 minutes.
Combine the flour, salt, and cardamom; whisk together to mix. Set aside.
In a large mixing bowl, add the butter and orange zest; with an electric mixer on medium speed beat the butter and orange zest about 1 minute until it is smooth and light in color. Add the sugar, eggs, and vanilla; mix thoroughly. Add the yeast mixture and mix thoroughly.
With the mixer on low speed, add about one half of the flour mixture, mix until the flour is completely blended. Scrape the bowl down with a rubber spatula, and add the rest of the flour; mix until completely blended. The dough will be very soft.
Place dough in a well greased bowl. Cover bowl with a small kitchen towel and let dough rise in a warm place, until doubled in size; about 2 hours.
Stir the dough down, cover, and let rise again until doubled in size, 1 to 2 hours. This second rise improves the texture and takes less time, however this rise is optional.
Prepare one Kugelhopf tin; generously grease with butter.
Stir the dough down. Stir the fruit and soaking brandy or liqueur, and broken walnuts into the dough. Spoon the dough into the prepared pan. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled in size, 1 to 2 hours.
Preheat oven to 170-180*C. Bake 35 to 40 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove tin from oven, and cool on a wire rack for 10 minutes then remove Kugelhopf from the tin and finish cooling on a wire cooling rack.
Orange Glaze-
In a small bowl, combine confectioner's sugar and orange zest. Add orange extract and orange juice and stir until smooth. Add additional teaspoon of orange juice if needed to make a good drizzling consistency. The glaze should be like a soft icing, but thin enough that it will run down over the sides of the cake.
Drizzle glaze over the cake, allowing the glaze to drip down the sides. Let the glaze set before serving.
Njemacki vocni kuglof sa orasima
1 suhi kvasac
3/4 solje toplog mlijeka
3 solje brasna
1/2 solje secera
3 jaja
1/2 k soli
1/2 solje maslaca, rastopljenog
1 K ribane korice narandze
1/2 k kardamoma u prahu
1/2 k vanila ekstrakta
3/4 solje oraha, krupnije rezanih
1/2 solje grozdjica
1/2 solje kandirane korice citrusa
1/4 solje brusnica, suhih
2 K ruma ili rakije od tresanja
Glazura sa narandzom-
1 solja secsera u prahu
1 k ribane korice narandze
1/4 k ekstrakta narandze (po zelji)
5 k iscjedjenog soka narandze
Pomijesajte alkohol sa susenim vocem, ostavite po strani.
U drugoj posudi pomijesajte kvasac sa toplim mlijekom, neka se odmori 10 minuta.
Secer, jaja, vanilu i narandzinu koricu miksajte; dodajte mlijeko sa kvascem, te brasno sa ostalim sastojcima. Tijesto ce biti mekano. Pokrijte posudu sa tijestom i ostavite na toplom da nadodje. Promijesajte tijesto i ponovo ostavite odmarati. Ovo ce poboljsati krajnji rezultat kuglofa, mada nije neophodno.
Pripremite kalup za kuglof, namazite maslacem.
Istresite tijesto na radnu povrsinu, umijesajte voce i orahe. Prebacite tijesto u kalup, pokrijte i ostavite 1-2 sata da naraste.
Ukljucite rernu (170-180*C) i pecite 35-40 minuta, ili dok ne porumeni. Prebacite peceni kuglof na zicu i ostavite 10 min hladiti, zatim ga izvadite iz kalupa i ostavite na zici.
Glazura sa narandzinim sokom-
Pomijesajte sve sastojke dobro, prelijte kuglof. Neka se dobro ohladi i glazura malo stisne prije nego pocnete rezati.
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