Any vegetable from cruciferous family (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower...) can be preserved in following way. You can even add some pieces of other vegetables (carrot, capsicum, onion, chillies...) to it, as long as cruciferous make more than 60% of total weight of vegetables.
salt, 40-60 g per L (2-3 tbs)
Glass containers, very clean
(large wooden or plastic containers for Sauerkraut)
Spices like coriander or cumin seeds, peppercorns (your choice)
a few wooden sticks
Wash vegetables and divide into small florets. Cabbage can be shredded or left whole - in that case hollow out the stem end of the cabbage.
Bring enough water to boil; add 40-60g salt per liter and mix until salt dissolved. Take off the heat.
Put vegetables into prepared containers, pressing slightly, add spices. Place wooden sticks on top of vegetables (cross them), securing well. Pour salty water over, making sure all vegetables and wooden sticks are underneath. (Sauerkraut should be emerged under salty water all the time; large river stone placed over clean wooden sticks will ensure this - see photo). Close lids, and place containers in a cool dark spot. In a few days liquid will become cloudy; that means that cruciferous are working (releasing lactic acid). It will also produce specific smell, that is not pleasant to many. That's why you should have all containers away from living room/ kitchen. Best place would be garage or laundry.
After 2 weeks your vegetable should be ready (Large cabbage heads need more time; 3-4 weeks), but you can keep them as long as winter last.
Kiseli Kupus / I ostalo povrce iz porodice kupusara
so, 40-60 gr po litri vode
tegle / galoni za sitnije povrce
(drveno ili plasticno bure za cijele glavice kupusa)
drveni prutici / dascice
zacini kao sto su biber, kim, korijander (sjeme) - vas izbor
Operite povrce i tegle. (Kupus ocistite od losih listova, izdubite mu korijen)
Prokljucajte vodu, dodajte so i promijesajte. Smaknite sa vatre.
Stavite isjeceno povrce u tegle (kupus u bure), pritiskajuci blago; ubacite odabrane zacine. Na povrsinu ukrstite par drvenih prutica (jace dascice za kupus, koje treba da su pritisnute opranim rijecnim kamenom). Nalijte slanu vodu, pazeci da povrce i prutici budu pod vodom. Zatvorite i ostavite na hladno i mracno mjesto.
Sitnije povce ce biti gotovo brze; kupusu treba 3-4 sedmice najmanje (u ovisnosti o temperaturi). Tecnost u teglama ce se zamagliti, a i osjeticete poznati miris.
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