This is a wonderfully aromatic sweet bread, that is very much loved in my household during winter time, usually for breakfast or with coffee / tea.
2 cups flour
1 teas baking powder
1/4 teas baking soda
1 cup sugar
1 large egg
1/2 teas salt
2/3 cup buttermilk
6 tbs butter, melted
1/3 cup fresh orange juice
1 tbs orange zest
1 cup cranberries, chopped
1/2 cup toasted nuts (walnuts), chopped
Preheat oven to 180*C, prepare a bread pan.
Combine all dry ingredients + nuts and fruit in a large bowl, mix with a spoon. In a smaller bowl, mix all wet ingredients. Pour it into the bowl with dry ingredients, mix until combined, but don't overdo it. Spoon into the bread pan. Bake 35-40 min, or until inserted toothpick comes out clean. Enjoy warm or cool.
Slatki Hljeb / Kruh sa Brusnicama, Narandzom i Orasima
Jedan od onih divnih, jednostavnih recepata koji odusevljavaju. Volimo ga imati za dorucak ili uz kafu / caj.
2 solje brasna
1 k praska za pecivo
1/4 k sode bb
1 solja secera
1 vece jaje
1/2 k soli
2/3 solje tecnog jogurta /kiselog mlijeka
6 K maslaca, otopljenog
1/3 solje svjeze iscijedjenog soka narandze
1 K narandzine korice
1 solja brusnica, sjeckanih
1/2 solje pecenih oraha, sjeckanih
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C, pripremite kalup za hljeb.
U vecu posudu uspite sve suhe sastojke + voce i orahe; promijesajte.
U manju posudu umijesajte sve vlazne sastojke; malo mutite dok se ne sjedine mase.
Uspite u suhe sastojke i mijesajte dok se sve ne sjedini; nemojte previse mijesati, postace zilavo.
Uspite u pripremljeni pleh i pecite 35-40 minuta ili dok test-cackalica ne izadje suha iz tijesta. Odlicno toplo ili hladno.
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