Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Olive Spread (Tapenade) and Serbian Cheese Spread (Užički kajmak)

Tapenade ingredients:
1 jar kalamata pitted olives, drained
1-2 anchovies
1-2 garlic cloves, crushed
2-4 tbs olive oil
Process all ingredients into a smooth paste.
Perfect for canapes, sandwiches, dips.
Serbian spread ingredients (fake):
1 butter (250 g)
1 Philadelphia cream cheese (250 g)
1/4 cup thickened cream
1/2 teas salt
Put all ingredients (should be at room temperature) into a bowl. Mix until all incorporated and smooth.

Tapenada (namaz od maslina) i Užički (lažni) kajmak

Tapenada sastojci:
1 tegla / konzerva maslina
1-2 ancuna (slane ribice)
1-2 cena bijelog luka, protisnutog
2-4 K maslinovog ulja
Stavite sve u elektricnu sjeckalicu i izradite u jedinstvenu masu.
Užički (lažni) kajmak:
1 maslac
1 Filadelfija krem sir
1/4 solje slatkog kajmaka/ vrhnja
1/2 k soli
Stavite sve sastojke u posudu (trebaju biti sobne temperature) i miksajte dok ne postane kremasto.

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

Thai Style Rainbow Trout


2 medium rainbow trouts (or other fish)

4 Tbs oyster sauce

4 Tbs soy sauce

8 garlic cloves, crushed

1 Tbs fish sauce

2 Tbs brown sugar

1/4 tsp black pepper, freshly ground

1 Tbs lime juice

2 red chillies, sliced

1 small bunch coriander leaves, chopped

1 handful basil leaves, chopped


Mix all ingredients, except herbs. Make a few cuts on each side of fish, pour mixed sauces and spices over both sides and leave 20+ min.

Preheat oven to 180*C. Place a large piece of al-foil on a baking dish, lay fish on it, close edges of foil, making a parcel. Bake 30-40 minutes. Open foil, and sprinkle with herbs.

Serve with rice.

Riba na Tajlandski nacin


2 srednje pastrmke

4 K 'Oyster' sosa (sos od ostriga)

4 K sojinog sosa

8 cena bijelog luka, protisnutog

1 K ribljeg sosa

2 K braon secera

1/4 k crnog bibera, svjeze mljevenog

1 K soka limete

2 crvene papricice, izrezane

1 mali svezanj lisca korijandera, sjeckanog

1 saka lisca bosiljka, sjeckanog


Izmijesajte sve sastojke osim zacinskog bilja. Napravite par rproreza u kozi ribe sa obje strane, prelijte mjesavinu.

Zagrijte rernu na 180*C, pripremite posudu - stavite veliki komad al-folije na nju. Postavite ribu i zatvorite krajeve folije, praveci 'paket'. Pecite 35-40 min. Izvadite iz rerne, otvorite foliju i pospite zacinskim biljem.

Servirajte sa rizom.

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

The 7 Links Tag Game / Igra 7 Linkova

I got involved in this interesting game thanks to a lovely Wan from Kuala Lumpur (, who tagged my blog. Rules are: answer 7 questions about your posts and link answers, and forward game to 5 other blogs.

U ovu igru me je ukljucila draga Wan sa bloga

Pravila su: odgovorite na 7 pitanja o vasem blogu i linkujte odgovore; proslijedite igru ka 5 drugih blogova.

1-Most beautiful post / Najljepsi post

2-Most popular post / Najpopularniji post

3-Most controversial post / Kontroverzan post

4-Most helpful post / Post koji je najvise dobrodosao /pomogao

5-Surprasingly seccsessful post / Iznenadjujuce uspjesan post

6-Post that didn't get deserved attention / Post koji nije dobio zasluzenu paznju

7-Post that you're most proud of / Post kojim se najvise ponosim

Aswers / Odgovori

1-Most beautiful post / Najljepsi post

Alps' Torte

2-Most popular post / Najpopularniji post

Bosnian Pita

3-Most controversial post / Kontroverzan post


4-Most helpful post / Post koji je najvise dobrodosao /pomogao

Shaping Our daily bread

5-Surprasingly seccsessful post / Iznenadjujuce uspjesan post

Raffaello Torte

6-Post that didn't get deserved attention / Post koji nije dobio zasluzenu paznju Basil Pesto

7-Post that you're most proud of / Post kojim se najvise ponosim


I've chosen 7 blogs who should keep this game alive/ Izabrala sam 7 blogova da odrze ovu igru u opticaju

Izabrala sam sljedecih 7 blogova da nastave ovu igru.

-Marina 'Time of your Life'

-Melrose 'Achtung baby!'

-Tamara 'What's for dessert?'

-Jelena 'Food for thought'

-Duxa 'Cozinhadaduxa'

-Tanja 'Tanja's cooking corner'

-Dzoli 'Dzoli'

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

'Papaz' Stew

This is an old Bosnian recipe; It origins come from time of 'Ottoman Empire'.

1 kg chuck steak, cubed
800 g onion, minced (or chopped very finally)
1 teas (or less)cinnamon, powder
1/3 teas (or less)cloves, powder
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 teas (+) salt
1/2 teas black pepper, freshly ground
oil for pan
Oil bottom of your saucepan. Mix all spices with onion well. Put some meat cubes (1/3) over oiled bottom of pan, follow with 1/2 onion mixture. Over that comes 1/3 meat then other 1/2 of onions and at top last 1/3 of meat. Cover and leave 5-6 hours in the fridge (or overnight). Bring slowly to boil and then simmer for 1h 30 min, without stirring (you can shake your pan). Serve with rice, mashed potatoes or cous-cous.

Papaz Ćevab

Ovo je jedan stari recept (adaptiran), koji potice iz vremena Otomanskog Carstva.
Pronadjen je u knjizi Alije Lakisica "Bosanski Kuhar - tradicionalno kulinarstvo u BiH". Zaintrigirao me je prije nekih 20-ak godina, jer mi je bilo prvi put da cujem (procitam) da su se cimet i karanfilici koristili u varivima s mesom. Od tada ga pravim redovno, jer ima izuzetnu aromu, koja nije dominirajuca ('overpowering').

1 kg govedine (od vrata), rezano na kockice
800 gr crvenog luka, samljevenog ili sitno isjeckanog
1 k (ili manje)cimeta
1/3 k(ili manje)karanfilica, prah
2 cena bijelog luka, protisnutog
1 k soli (+)
1/2 k crnog bibera, svjeze mljevenog
ulje za serpu / lonac
Nauljite dno serpe / lonca koji cete koristiti. Na to stavite 1/3 sjecenog mesa, zatim 1/2 luka, ponovo 1/3 mesa, luk i na kraju zadnju 1/3 mesa. Poklopite i na hladnom ostavite 5-6 sati (ili preko noci). Poslije tog' vremena, izvadite serpu, stavite na ringlu i zagrijte do kljucanja. Smanjite vatru i blago krckajte 1 sat i 30 min (bez mijesanja, mozete treskati).
Servirajte sa rizom, pire krompirom ili kus-kusom.

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Torte 'Jasna'

I created this torte according to my taste and personal likings...
I gave myself permission to call it 'JASNA torte'

Hazelnut Praline-
1 1/2 cups hazelnuts
1 cup sugar
Hazelnut gateau-
8 egg whites
2 cups sugar
1 teas white vinegar
2-3 tbs cocoa (good quality)
1/3 of hazelnut praline
Hazelnut Cream-
3 cups milk
8 tbs sugar
8 egg yolks
5 tbs flour
250 g butter, soft
2/3 Hazelnut Praline
Dark Chocolate (200 g) for spreading on top
Make Praline- Put sugar into a pan, heat it until starts melting. Shake and swirl pan (do not stir) until all sugar melted and golden. Take away from heat and drop hazelnuts inside. Swirl again until all nits coated. Pour on al-foil and let it cool.
When cooled, break into smaller pieces and process until crumbs are formed.
Make gateau- Switch oven to 150 *C, prepare 2 sheets of al-foil over Swiss roll tin. Put egg whites into a large (clean) bowl. Beat until stiff, then add one by one spoon of sugar and vinegar. Beat a few minutes more. Switch off and add cocoa and praline. Fold in by hand. Place 1/2 of this mixture onto each sheet of al-foil, spread and form a rectangle. Bake 10 on 150*C, then lower temperature to 120 and bake for another 40-50 min. Take out, cut each in the middle, so you get 4 equal pieces. Let it cool. Be careful it's brittle.
Make cream- Mix sugar, yolks and flour with a little milk until smooth. Put the rest of milk into a pan, bring to boil. Pour sugar/yolks mixture, lower temp and stir until thickened. Let it cool completely.
Beat butter add cool creme, and beat again until incorporated and creamy. Put the rest of praline into it and mix.
Assemble Torte - gateau, 1/3 of cream, gateau, 1/3 of cream, gateau, 1/3 cream, gateau. Melt chocolate with a tbs of oil, spread on top.
Let it cool for 2 hours, take out for 20 minutes, before slicing.


Kreirala sam ovu tortu prema sopstvenom ukusu ...Kora je od jedne, krema modifikovana od druge torte, i u sve to sam dodala malo Pralina. Dopala se mnogima koji su je probali.

Ljesnik Praline-
1,5 solja ljesnika
1 solja secera
Ljesnik kore-
8 bjelanaca
2 solje secera
1 k sirceta
2-3 K kakaa
1/3 od Ljesnik praline
Ljesnik krema-
3 solje mlijeka
8 K secera
8 zumanaca
5 K brasna
250 gr maslaca, omeksalog
2/3 od Ljesnik praline mase
Tamna cokolada, otopljena za prekriti tortu
Praline- istopite secer do zlatne boje, ubacite ljesnike i promijesajte. Izlijte na al-foliju i ostavite da se ohladi. Sameljite ili istucajte.
Kore- Ukljucite rernu na 150*C, pripremite 2 komada folije preko 2 velike cetvrtaste tepsije. Umutite bjelanca u cvrst snijeg, dodajte kasiku po kasiku secera i sirce. Iskljucite mikser, pa dodajte kakao i 1/3 praline smjese. Promijesajte rukom, istresite 1/2 smjesa na svaku foilju i oblikujte pravougaonike. Pecite 10 min, smalnjite temp na 120 pa pecite jos 45-50 min. Izvadite, prerezite po sredini na pola svaku (ne horizontalno)da dobijete 4 kore i ohladite.
Krema- Pomijesajte zumanca, brasno i scer sa malo mlijeka. Izlijte u preostalu kolicinu kljucalog mlijeka i kuhajte dok sa na zgusne. Ohladite.
Umutite maslac, dodajte kremu i miksajte dok ne postane kremasto. Ubacite preostale praline i pomijesajte.
Sastavite tortu- kora, 1/3 krema, kora, 1/3 kema, kora, 1/3 krema, kora i odozgo otopljena cokolada sa malo ulja. Rashladite 2 sata; izvadite 20 minuta prije rezanja iz frizidera.

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Spinach Ravioli with Ricotta, Parmesan and Sage-Butter Sauce

Beautifully coloured home-made pasta.



2,5 cups (+,-) flour

3 eggs

1 bunch spinach (200 g cooked or 250 g frozen )

Pinch of salt

Ricotta filling-

500 g Ricotta

2 eggs

1/2 cup Parmesan

4-5 leaves finely chopped sage

1 teas salt

Sage-butter sauce-

125 g butter

8-10 sage leaves

Parmesan for sprinkling


Dough- Squeeze spinach well, chop finely (food processor), add eggs and beat together. Mix in flour and salt, process. Take out on a working surface and knead into a stiff dough. Cover with cling wrap and leave it to rest. Meanwhile prepare filling and butter sauce.

Filling- Mix all ingredients into a smooth paste.

Sage-butter sauce- Put butter and sage leaves into a small pan, melt butter and bring to boil. Cook until butter golden and sage release aroma.


Roll out your dough on a floured surface, or use pasta machine; start from thicker to thinner settings. I stop at no 7 (of 9 settings for thickness).

Put a large pot of salted water to boil.

Put 1 teas of cheese filling with some space on every other piece of rolled dough. Brush with water the space in between cheese filling, cover with other pasta sheet and press dampen parts. Cut into ravioli. Place ravioli in boiling water (10-12 at time). Cook until they come to the surface. Take them out (slothed spoon) onto a serving dish. Spoon some butter-sage sauce over them. Repeat with all the rest.

Sprinkle with Parmesan and enjoy healthy colourful meal.

Ravioli sa rikotom, parmezanom i maslac-žalfija prelivom

Divno obojena, zdrava domaca tjestenina



2,5 solje (+,-) brasna

3 jaja

1 veza spinata (200 gr kuhanog ili 250 smrznutog)

malo soli


500 gr Ricota sira (ili slicno)

2 jaja

1/2 solje ribanog parmezana

4-5 listica zalfije / kadulje, sjeckane

1 k soli

Zalfija-maslac preliv-

125 gr maslaca

8-10 listova zalfije

Parmezan za posuti


Tijesto- Iscijedite spinat dobro, isjeckajte ga sitno (elektricna sjeckalica), ubacite jaja i sjeckajte zajedno. Dodajte brasno i so, promijesajte, istresite na radnu povrsinu i umijesite tvrdje tijesto. Pokrijte celofanskom folijom i ostavite odmarati. U medjuvremenu pripremite nadjev / punjenje.


Pomijesjte sve sastojke u jednolicnu masu.

Zalfija-maslac preliv- Stavite maslac i zalfiju u manju posudu na ringlu i kuhajte dok maslac ne pozuti a zalfija pusti aromu.

Zavrsetak- Razvaljajte tijesto tanko na pobrasnjenoj povrsini, ili upotrijebite masinu za tjesteninu. Provlacite tijesto od deblje ka tanjoj mogucnosti. Ja se zaustavim na debljini br 7 (od ukupno 9 debljina).

Na svaki drugi komad razvucenog tijesta stavite hrpice od 1 k sira; premazite vlaznom cetkicom dijelove izmedju sira, pa preklopite drugom polovinom tijesta. Pritisnite prstima vlazne dijelove. Izrezite tijesto na raviole.

Stavite veci lonac sa zasoljenom vodom da provri. Ubacujte 10-12 komada tijesta, kada isplivaju izvadite ih (ocijedjene) u posudu za serviranje. Pospite sa malo maslaca sa zalfijom. Isto ucinite sa ostatkom raviola i maslacem. pospite Parmezanom i uzivajte u divno (prirodno) obojenoj

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Chicken Peanut Butter Curry

Family favorite!
For a quick every day dinner use already prepared red curry.
600 g chicken meat, diced (your choice, I like thighs)
1/3 cup oil
2-3 tbs red curry paste
400 ml can coconut milk
1/3 cup fish sauce
2 tbs brown sugar
1/2 cup peanut butter (crunchy is better)
Coriander leaves for garnishing (optional)
Red curry - (for those who can't buy already prepared)
6 dried red chillies,
2 med onions, chopped
3 garlic cloves, crushed
2 tbs oil
1 tbs grated lemon rind
2 teas shrimp paste
1 tbs ground cumin
1 tbs paprika
2 teas turmeric
1 teas black pepper
(Blend or process all ingredients into a smooth paste. Keep refrigerated.)
Heat oil in a pan, add diced chicken and fry until chicken change it's colour. Add red curry, mix well. Pour coconut milk, and bring to boil. Cook for 10 min, add all other ingredients and mix well. Serve with rice.

Pileci kari sa kikiriki maslacem

Brzinska vecera / rucak, ukoliko imate gotov crveni kari.

600 gr pileceg mesa, sjecenog na kocke (vas izbor)
1/3 solje ulja
2-3 K crvenog karija
400 ml kokosovog mlijeka
1/3 solje 'ribljeg' sosa
2 K braon secera
1/2 solje kikiriki maslaca (sa komadicima kikirikija)
Lisce korijandera za ukrasiti (po zelji)
Crveni kari (za one koji ga nemogu kupiti)
6 suhih crvenih papricica (chili)
2 srednja crvena luka, sjeckana
3 cena bijelog luka, protisnuta
1 K ribane limunove korice
2 k paste sasusenih skampa (Azijski proizvod)
1 K kima u prahu
1 K paprike crvene
2 K turmerika
1 k crnog bibera
(sve sameljite ili istucajte dok ne dobijete guscu pastu - drzite u frizideru)
Zagrijte ulje, proprzite piletinu. Dodajte crveni kari, promijesajte. Uspite kokosovo mlijeko, i kuhajte 10-ak minuta. Ubacite sve ostale sastojke i dobro promijesajte. Sluzite sa kuhanom rizom.

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Lemon Slices

For all Lemon lovers!



185 g flour

90 g icing sugar

185 g butter, cold cut into pieces

1 teas lemon zest


4 eggs

280 g sugar

grated zest of 1 lemon

120 ml lemon juice

1 tbs starch flour

175 g double cream

icing sugar for dusting (optional)


Crust - Preheat oven to 170*C. Put all ingredients into a food processor, pulse until incorporated, turn onto working surface and knead a bit. Let it rest (covered), then roll out into a rectangle 22 X 32 cm. Place it into a tin (same size), pierce dough with a fork and bake for 15 min.

Topping - Put all ingredients into a bowl, beat with mixer.

Pour onto crust, lower temp to 160*C and bake for another 30+ min. Let it cool, dust with icing sugar and slice.

Limun snite

Za sve one koji vole miris i ukus limuna!



185 gr brasna

90 gr secera u prahu

185 gr maslaca, iz frizidera, izrezanog

1 k ribane korice limuna

Limun krem-

4 jaja

280 gr secera

ribana korica 1 limuna

120 ml soka limuna

1 K skroba

175 gr 'duple' pavlake (45+ % masnoce)

secer u prahu za posuti (po zelji)


Baza- Ukljucite rernu na 170*C.

Pomijesajte sve sastojke za bazu u elektricnoj sjeckalici, istresite pa jos malo doradite. Razvaljajte tijesto na 32 X 22 cm, smjestite u pleh (preko papira). Nabodite viljuskom i pecite 15 min

Limun krem- Sve sastojke mijesajte mikserom, ulijte preko tijesta, smanjite temperaturu na 160*C i pecite jos 30+ min. Ohladite, pospite secerom u prahu i rezite..

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Honey Soy Chicken Wings

Marinating chicken wings in following way is very popular throughout whole Asia.


1 kg chicken wings, separated at joints, tips discarded

1/2 cup Soy sauce

2-3 tbs Honey

1 tsp Five spice (optional)

2 tbs Tomato paste

1/2 Tbs grated ginger

3 garlic cloves, crushed

1 tsp sesame oil


Mix all ingredients for marinade, add chicken and leave it in the fridge for 30 min to 2 hours - time to time stir it.

Preheat oven to 180*C, prepare roasting pan.

Place chicken on a roasting dish and roast for 25-30 minutes.

Serve with your favorite salad and/or rice.

Pileca Krilca Marinirana u Soja Sosu i Medu

Specijalitet mnogih zemalja Azije, voljen sirom svijeta


1 kg pilecih krilca, podijeljenih na zglobovima, vrhovi odstranjeni

1/2 solje soja sosa

2-3 K meda

1 k mjesavine '5 zacina' (moze bez)

2 K gusto ukuhanog paradajza

1/2 K rendanog djumbira

3 cena bijelog luka, protisnuto


Pomijesjte sve sastojke za marinadu, stavite krilca i promijesajte. Ostavite 30 min do 2 sata u frizideru.

Zagrijte rernu na 180*C, pripremite posudu za pecenje.

Postavite krilca na pleh / posudu i pecite 25-30 min.

Servirajte sa salatom po vasem izboru i/ili rizom.

1 k sezamovog ulja

Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

No knead Ciabatta

This is a sour dough bread, adored by Italians.

3 cups flour
1,5 cups water
1 teas salt
1/3 teas yeast
Mix all ingredients with a spoon (1-2 min)- choose a large bowl for this, cover with cling wrap and leave it in a cool spot (overnight) 8 - 16 hours.
After that time, dust clean cloth with flour, place dough on it and shape into a long log. Dust with flour and together with the cloth place into a shallow elongated dish (basket). Let it double.
Place baking dish (flat) into oven; Preheat oven to 225*C.
Turn bread upside-down onto hot tin, close oven door. Bake for 5-8 minutes then reduce heat to 180*C and bake for another 30 minutes. Let it cool on a wire rack before slicing. You'll get crusty bread with large holes and chewy inside.

Ciabatta bez mijesenja - Italian hljeb od kiselog tijesta

3 solje brasna (1 solja = 250ml)
1,5 solja vode
1 k soli
1/3 k instant kvasca
Pomijesajte sve sastojke kasikom 1-2 min, pokrijte prozirnom folijom ili krpom i ostavite na hladnom mjestu 8-16 sati (ili preko noci).
Pospite cistu krpu brasnom, istresite tijesto na to i oblikujte u izduzeni oblik. Zajedno sa krpom, pobrasnjeno stavite u neki izduzeni plitki oblik (kao npr. pletena korpa). Ostavite da naraste.
Ukljucite rernu na 225*C, stavite tepsiju (ravnu) u kojoj cete peci hljeb.
Kada postignete temperaturu, istresite hljeb naopako na pleh i pecite 5-8 minuta, zatim smanjite temp na 180*C i pecite jos 30-ak minuta. Peceni hljeb ostavite hladiti na zici, prije rezanja. Dobicete hljeb sa tvrdjom koricom, sa velikim rupama i blago gumenom strukturom.

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Sticky Date Pudding

Very simple dessert, adored by my boys.

Pudding / cake-
1 1/2 cups dried dates
1 1/4 cups water
1 teas baking soda
1/4 cup butter
2 large eggs
1 teas vanilla
1 1/4 cups SR flour
2/3 cup brown sugar
Butterscotch sauce-
3/4 cup + 2 teas brown sugar (180g)
1 cup + 2,5 Tbs cream
1 Tbs + 1 teas golden syrup
2 Tbs +1 teas butter
Put dates and water into a saucepan, bring to boil. Sprinkle baking soda over it, put butter pieces inside, cover it and switch off.
Preheat oven to 170*C. Prepare a cake tin.
Mix eggs, vanilla and sugar in another bowl, add cooled date mix and flour.
Mix well, pour into the cake tin and bake for 35-40 minutes, or until inserted toothpick comes out clean.
Butterscotch sauce-
Cook (stirring) all ingredients for short time, or until melted. Pour 1/3 of this hot sauce over cake, which you have pricked (with a skewer or toothpick) all over the surface. Let cake cool. After both cake and sauce have cooled, place cake onto serving dish; pour another 1/3 of sauce over it. Last 1/3 of sauce leave for serving, along with whipped cream.

Preliveni 'ljepljivi' kolac od datula

Brz i jednostavan za napraviti - obozavan od strane mojih djecaka.

1 1/5 solja (270 g) datula
1 1/4 (310 ml) solja vode
1 k sode bb
1/4 solje (60gr) maslaca
2 veca jaja
1 k vanile
1 1/4 (185 gr) solje samodizajuceg brasna
2/3 solje (150 gr) braon secera
Buterskoč preliv-
180 gr braon secera
300 ml krema (slatka pavlaka)
25 ml 'Zlatnog' sirupa
25 gr maslaca
Stavite datule i vodu kuhati; kada prokuha iskljucite, ubacite sodu i maslac, poklopite i ostavite hladiti.
Pripremite kalup za kolac, ukljucite rernu na 170*C.
Miksajte secer sa jajima, dodajte datule i brasno. Dobro promijesajte. Uspite u kalup i pecite 35-40 minuta, ili dok ne bude peceno.
Kuhajte sve sastojke kratko (mijesajuci). Izbockajte kolac sa cackalicom, pa ga prelijte sa 1/3 preliva. Ostavite hladiti i kolac i preliv.
Nakon izvjesnog vremena (kada je hladno), stavite kolac na posluzavnik, prelijte ga jos jednom 1/3 preliva. Zadnju 1/3 preliva ostavite za sluziti, zajedno sa umucenom pavlakom.

Greek Style Leg of Lamb

1 lamb leg
2-4 garlic cloves
2 rosemary springs
salt to taste
oil for rubbing
Potatoes and other vegetables (carrots, parsnip, zucchinis, onions,...for roasting)
Cut garlic into little sticks (like slivered almonds), tear rosemary leaves from the stalk. Make incisions in the meat with a sharp knife (2,5 cm - 1 in); put one piece of garlic and one rosemary leaf into each incision. You can make as many as you like; I usually make incisions on every 10 cm.
Process (or grind) the rest of garlic, salt and rosemary together. Rub the meat with this blend, oil it.
Put into roasting dish and roast for 1h 30 minutes hour. Prepare vegetables - cut, sprinkle with salt and oil it. After 1 hour 30 minutes, take meat out, lift it and spread vegetables on bottom of roasting dish. Return meat on top of vegetables and bake for another hour (or more, depending on the size of the leg). Let it rest 10-15 minutes before carving.

Jagnjeci But na Grcki Nacin

1 jagnjeci but
2-4 cena bijelog luka
2 izdanka ruzmarina
so po ukusu
ulje za natrljavanje
Krompir i drugo povrce (mrkva, luk, tikvice...)
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C. Pripremite posudu za pecenje.
Izrezite bijeli luk na male prutice, iskidajte listice ruzmarina. Napravite proreze u jagnjecem butu (2,5 cm duboke), u svaki stavite komadic bijelog luka i jedan listic ruzmarina. Stavite onoliko koliko zelite; ja obicno pravim proreze na svakih 10 cm. Izdrobite ili sameljite ostatak bijelog luka i ruzmarina sa solju. Utrljajte u meso, pouljite.
Smjestite meso u posudu za pecenje, pecite 1 sat 30 min. Pripremite povrce; ogulite , izrezite i nasolite. Nakon sat i 30 min izvadite iz pecnice, dignite meso i ispod uspite povrce. Pecite jos 1 sat do 1sat 30 min, u ovisnosti o tezini mesa.
Kada izvadite iz rerne ostavite odmarati 10-15 minuta prije nego pocnete rezati meso.
Preheat oven to 180*C. Prepare a roasting dish.

Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Accordion Torte

My first attempt in creating a theme torte!

Sponge cake (Basic recipe)-
6 eggs
150 g (3/4 cup) sugar
2 teas lemon zest
100 g (3/4 cup) flour
pinch of salt
75 g (1/2 cup) starch
(for a 32 X 22 cm tin I used 1 1/2 recipe - 9 eggs sponge)
Creme Patisserie (Basic recipe)-
2 eggs
50 g sugar
2 tbs flour
2 tbs starch (cornflour)
300 ml milk
a few drops of vanilla flavouring
(I needed to double this recipe)
Other needed ingredients-
250 g butter, room temperature
1/2 cup roasted hazelnuts, grounded
white (150 g), dark (50 g) and milk (300 g) chocolate
250 ml (1 cup) thickened cream
Preheat oven to 170*C; prepare a 22 X32 cm tin, line with silicon paper.
Beat sugar and eggs with a mixer until fluffy and pale. Switch mixer off. Sieve flours on top of egg mixture, add zest and fold in gently. Pour sponge mixture in tin, bake 25-30 minutes. Take out, cool and cut horizontally into 3 layers, then cut 1/4 of top 2 layers (picture down).
Creme patisserie - mix sugar, flours and eggs with a little milk until smooth. Bring the rest of milk to boil, pour sugar/ flour mixture and cook until thick. Let it cool.
Beat butter, add creme and beat together. Fold in hazelnuts. Assemble cake (as picture down) using creme (thickly) to stick layers, cover cut sides of sponge too (thinly).
Melt milk chocolate and cream, stir well and cover entire torte. Keep the rest of this mixture in fridge. Melt white and dark chocolate (separately) with a few drops of oil, pour onto silicon paper and let it set, then cut into 'keys'. Place them on its place. Write letters and buttons (white chocolate) with a plastic bag (cut a corner).
Beat milk chocolate mixture from fridge, put it between 2 sponges on top layer. Use fork to make marks. Chill well before cutting.

Harmonika Torta

Biskvit (osnovni recept)-
6 jaja
150 gr secera
2 k limunove korice
100 gr brasna
malo soli
75 gr skrobnog brasna
(1 1/2 mjera (9 jaja) koristena za kalup 32 X 33 cm)
Poslasticarski krem (osnovni recept)-
2 jaja
50 gr secera
2 K brasna
2 K skroba
300 ml mlijeka
malo vanila esencije
(Dupla mjera od ovog recepta koristena)
Jos dodatno potrebno -
250 gr maslaca, soba temp.
1/2 solje ljesnika, peccenih, mljevenih
cokolade - bijela 150 gr, tamna 50 gr, mlijecna 300 gr
250 ml slatke pavlake
Pripremite pleh (32 X 22 cm) sa papirom i ukljucite rernu na 170*C.
Umutite jaja sa secerom dok ne postane pjenusavo, iskljucite mixer pa rucno umijesajte brasno. Uspite u pleh i pecite 25-30 minuta. Prohladite i prerezite horizontalno na 3 dijela, zatim od povrsinska 2 odsjecite 1/4 (kao na slici).
Krem - Dobro promijesajte secer, jaja i brasno sa malo mlijeka. Ostatak mlijeka zagrijte do kljucanja pa uspite krem i kuhajte dok se ne zgusne. Ohladite.
Miksajte maslac pjenusavo, dodajte krem i dobro mikserom izmijesajte. Dodajte ljesnike pa promijesajte jos jednom. Filujte tortu, asemblirajuci harmoniku (slika); tanko premazite i rezane dijelove biskvita.
Zagrijte mlijecnu cokoladu sa vrhnjem, izmijesajte i prelijte tortu; ostatak ostavite u frizider da se hladi.
Istopite tamnu i bijelu cokoladu (odvojeno) sa malo ulja, izlijte na papir i ostavite da se stegne. Izrezite 'dirke' i postavite na mjesto. Sa vrecicom kojoj ste odrezali vrh napisite slova i dugmice.
Ostatak krema iz frizidera izmiksajte pa nanesite na vrh na 'slobodno' mjesto. Viljuskom nanesite otisak. Rashladite dobro prije rezanja!

Happy Birthday Maurice!