Rabu, 30 November 2011

Jewels in White Chocolate

My baking for upcoming festive season(s) has begun. A lot of biscuits and other home made gifts will be prepared in my kitchen. Let me start with recipes...

255 g white chocolate, chopped
1 1/2 tsp grated orange zest
1/4 cup (60 ml) double cream (45% fat)
1 tablespoon light corn syrup (or glucose)
3/4 cup (75 g) pistachios, chopped
3/4 cup (80 g) dried cranberries, cut into small pieces
1/2 cup (80 g) dried apricots, cut into small pieces
Line the bottom and sides of an 20 x 20 cm square baking tin with aluminum foil.
Process white chocolate (food processor, or grate it) until the chocolate is in small pieces. Add the orange zest and pulse just a few seconds.
In a small saucepan, over medium heat, bring the cream and corn syrup just to a boil. Pour the hot cream mixture over the chocolate in the food processor and pulse until the mixture is smooth and the white chocolate has completely melted.
Transfer this mixture to a large bowl and stir in the chopped cranberries, apricots, and pistachios. Spread the mixture into your prepared pan and let it cool to room temperature, then refrigerate until firm. Cut into fingers. Store (covered) in the refrigerator.

Dragulji u Bijeloj Čokoladi

Vrijeme pripreme i pecenja za nastupajucu slavljenicku sezonu je otpocela. Mnogo kolacica, keksa i drugih domacih proizvoda ce biti proizvedeno u mojoj kuhinji i poklonjeno. Pustite me da otpocnem sa receptima...

255 gr bijele cokolade, sjeckane
1,5 k korice narandze
60 ml 'duplog' slatkog vrhnja (45% masnoce)
1 K glukoze (ili 'corn sirupa')
75 gr pistaca, sjeckanih
80 gr susenih brusnica (drenjka), sjeckanih
80 gr susenih kajsija / marelica, sjeckanih sitno
Stavite al-foliju preko pleha 20 X 20 cm. Izrendajte cokoladu (ili upotrijebite sjeckalicu), umijesjte koricu narandze.
Pomijesajte glukozu sa kremom (vrhnjem), zagrijte do vrenja. Prelijte preko cokolade, mijesajte dok se ne istopi. Umijesajte suseno voce i pistace. Uspite u kalup, pritisnite kasikom i ostavite prohladiti. Stavite zatim, u frizider dok se sasvim ne stegne. Rezite na duguljaste i uske prutice. Cuvajte (pokriveno) u frizideru.

Charlotte Louise

This a delightful recipe, both quick and easy to make. Great for chocoholics!!!

12 sponge fingers biscuit (I used 15)
1 cup water
2 tbs sugar
2 tbs Grand Marnier (or rum)
1 teas gelatin
2 tbs water
250 g dark chocolate, melted
50 g butter, melted
2 teas grated orange zest
2 X 300 ml thickened cream
2 tbs icing sugar
Cocoa for dusting
Fruit of forest for serving (optional)
Line a charlotte mould (7 cups capacity) with glad wrap. Mix water sugar and liquor until sugar melted. Dip each biscuit into this and line sides of the mould.
sprinkle gelatin over 2 tbs water in cup, stand in small pan of simmering water; stir until dissolved. Combine chocolate, butter, zest and gelatin in a bowl. Beat cream with icing sugar until soft peaks form, fold into chocolate.
Pour filling into mould. Refrigerate for 3 hours, before taking out of mould (upside-down) and dusting with cocoa.
Note: because I had a wide mould, my filling didn't come to the end of biscuits, so I had to bent biscuits inside in order to make it even with filling.

Šarlota Luiz

Jednostavno i brzo za napraviti; sasvim oduševljavajuće - pogotovu za čokoholičare!!!

12 bisvitnih prutica (kao za tiramisu)15 je meni trebalo
1 solja vode
2 K secera
2 K likera narandze (ili rum)
1 k zelatine
2 K vode
250 gr tamne cokolade, otopljene
50 gr maslaca, otopljenog
2 k ribane korice narandze
2 X 300 ml slatkog vrhnja
2 K secera u prahu
kakao za posuti
jagodicasto voce za servirati (po zelji)
Sa providnom folijom oblozite kalup zapremine 1,75 L. Pomijesajte vodu sa secerom i rumom. Umacite biskvitne kekse i slazite okolo zidova kalupa.
U solji sa 2 K vode pospite zelatin, stavite u manj posudu sa vodom i zagrijavajte mijesajuci dok se zelatin ne otopi. Ovo pomijesajte sa cokoladom, maslacem i koricom narandze. Umutite vrhnje sa secerom , pa sve sjedinite sa cokoladnom masom. Uspit u pripremljeni kalup. Fil treba da dodje do vrha keksa. Meni se to nije dogodilo (15 keksa) pa sam vrhove podvinula prema unutrasnjosti, kako bi bili u istom nivou sa filom. Rashladite najmanje 3 sata prije okretanja Sarlote na posluzavnik i posipanja sa kakaom.

Senin, 28 November 2011

Grilled (barbecued) Eggplant

I love eggplants! Following recipe is my favorite way of preparing this vegetable. Goes well with grilled meat, fish or as a vegetarian stack with other veggies and some cheese.
If you place grilled slices into jars, cover with good olive oil, they can last 3-4 months in a dark, cool place.

2 medium eggplants, cut into (7mm)rounds
2-3 garlic cloves, crushed
1 small bunch Basil leaves, thorn
1/3 cup olive oil
Sprinkle eggplants with salt, leave it aside for 1/2 hour. Rinse and squeeze, then pat dry. Brush with olive oil. The rest of oil mix with garlic and basil leaves (add more oil if needed) Grill eggplant(BBQ or griddle pan), each side for a minute. Place into prepared dish, pour each layer with prepared dressing. Enjoy warm or cold.

Patlidzani sa grila / rostilja

Ovako pripremljeni patlidzani (plavi paradajzi, balancani) su mi najdrazi. Odlicno idu uz meso ili ribu sa rostilja; ili kao vegetarijanski obrok sa drugim povrcem i sirom . Smjesteni u tegle / galone zaliveni dobrim maslinovim uljem, mogu trajati 2-3 mjeseca na suhom i hladnom mjestu.

2 srednja patlidzana, isjecena na (7mm) kolutove
3-4 cena bijelog luka, sjeckana ili protisnuta
1 mali svezanj bosiljka, iskidani listovi
1/3 solje maslinovog ulja
Nasolite patlidzane, ostavite ih po strani na 1/2 sata. Saperite i obrisite; namazite svaki sa maslinovim uljem. Pecite na gril-tavi ili rostilju svaku stranu po minut. Ostatak ulja pomijesjte sa bosiljkom i bijelim lukom (ako treba dodajte jos ulja). Pospite po svakom sloju pecenih patlidzana. Uzivajte toplo ili hladno.

Kamis, 24 November 2011

Samosas (revised)

I don't have much time lately, so please excuse my absence from commenting;

Here is reminding of my first post!

Nemam mnogo vremena u posljednje vrijeme, pa vas molim da mi oprostite sto ne komentarisem na vasim postovima. Evo podsjecanja na moj prvi post - cisto da me ne zaboravite!


450 g plain flour

100 g butter, softened

1 teas salt

150 ml water, warm


2 tbs vegetable oil, or any other neutral

2 medium onions, chopped finally

250 g minced meat, your choice

3-4 garlic cloves, minced

1-1,5 cm ginger, grated - or 1/2 teas powder

1/2 teas turmeric powder

2 teas coriander powder

1 1/2 teas cumin powder

a pinch of chilli powder

1/2 teas salt

120 ml water

150 g peas

2 tbs coconut, grated

1 teas 'Garam Masala' powder

2 tbs coriander leaves, chopped

1 tbs lemon juice

-Make a stiff dough (food processor can help, divide in 6 balls, cover with Glad wrap and leave rest.

-Meanwhile, heat the oil and add onions. Fry for a couple of minutes, then add mince and the spices. When meat is ready (loses pink colour)add the rest of ingredients. Cook for a few minutes more, and then let it cool. Heat the oven to 200*C, if you want to bake the Samosas.

-Roll out the dough balls (one by one)into a 23-24 cm circle. Each circle divide in 6 pieces (like pizza slices). Wet the edges with a brush dipped into water.

-On each little triangle put a spoonful of filling. Lift the corners of each triangle,and seal the edges with your fingers, applying pressure.

-Place Samosas on baking sheets, sprayed with oil, then spray all over again.Bake 10-12 min, or until slightly golden.

Samosas can be deep fried, if you're not concerned about the fat content.

Note: If you replace the meat with grated potatoes, you'll get Vegetarian Samosas.

Tijesto za Samose:

450 gr brasna

100 gr putera, omeksalog

1 kasicica soli

1.5 dl vode, mlake


2 kasike ulja, po izboru

2 glavice crvenog luka, srednje velicine, sjeckanog

250 gr mljevenog mesa, po izboru

3-4 cena bijelog luka, protisnutog

1-1,5 cm djumbira (ginger),ribanog ili 1/2 kasicice prah

1/2 kasicice turmerik, prah

2 kasicice korijandera, prah

1 1/2 kasicica kima, prah

malo chilija (prah ili sjeckan svjez)

1/2 kasicice soli

120 ml vode

150 gr graska

2 kasike kokosa, ribanog

1 kasicica ‘garam masala’

2 kasike lista korijandera, sjeckanog

1 kasika limunovog soka


Umijesite tijesto (moze i u elekricnoj sjeckalici), koje ce izgledati poprilicno tvrdo. Podijelite na 6 loptica, pokrijte prozirnom folijom i ostavite odmarati dok kuhate nadjev. Za nadjev – zagrijte ulje, proprzite luk te dodajte meso (dinstajte dok ne promijeni boju), bijeli luk te sve ostale zacine i vodu. Kuhajte jos par minuta. Smaknite da se prohladi. Prvu lopticu tijesta razvucite u krug velicine 23-24 cm (malo vece od desertnog tanjira). Krug podijelite na 6 jednakih dijelova (trokuti kao za kiflice). Uglove premazite vodom, a u sredinu stavite po kasiku nadjeva.

Oblikovanje piramida:

Uglove trougla dignete, a stranice blago pritisnete prstima dok se ne zalijepe. Redajte na pleh. Pospricajte uljanim sprejom i pecite na 200* C 10 -12 min.

Mozete ih i prziti u dubokoj posudi sa dosta ulja, ukoliko ne brinete o masnoci.


Ukoliko zelite vegetarijansku verziju, umjesto mesa ubacite sitno sjeckani krompir.

Senin, 21 November 2011

Bohemian Torte

Hazelnuts, chocolate and creme patisserie...multilayered...gluten free!

Gateau bases-
10 egg whites
200 g caster sugar
25 g cocoa
250 g hazelnuts, roasted and processed
Creme patisserie-
500 ml milk
150 g sugar
1 tbs vanilla
6 egg yellows
4 tbs corn flour
50 g butter, softened
Chocolate cream-
4 egg yellows
2 eggs
150 g sugar
200 g dark chocolate
200 g butter, soft
Preheat oven to 150*C, prepare 3 round bases, covered with baking (silicon) paper.
Whisk egg whites until stiff; add sugar and continue whisking until thick and glossy. Fold in cocoa and hazelnuts. Spread onto 3 prepared bases, bake for 30-35 min. Take out and cool.
Creme patisserie-
Mix a bit of milk with eggs, yellows and corn flour.
Put the rest of milk and sugar in a pan, bring to boil. Pour prepared egg mixture; cook until thick. Cool, then beat in softened butter.
Chocolate creme-
Cook eggs and sugar in a double boiler, until thick (stirring all the time). It may take 15+ minutes. When thick, break chocolate into smaller pieces and put them into hot cream. Mix and let it cool completely.
Beat butter, add cooled creme and whisk together.
Spread creme patisserie onto each base. Put chocolate creme into a patisserie bag and pipe over each base with creme patisserie (you might choose to decorate top layer with this creme).
Put layers together; refrigerate for 1 hour before cutting.

Boemska (Boem) Torta
...u devet prekrasnih slojeva od ljesnika, cokolade i vanila kreme...bez glutena!

10 bjelanaca
200 gr sitnog secera
25 gr kakaa
250 gr ljesnika, propecenih i samljevenih
Krema I-
500 ml mlijeka
150 gr secera
1 K vanile
6 zumanaca
4 K 'Gustina' (ili kukuruzni skrob)
50 gr omeksalog maslaca
Krem II-
4 zumanca
2 jaja
150 gr secera
200 gr tamne chockolade
200 gr omeksalog maslaca
Umutite bjelanca, dodajte secer. Jos malo mutite. Iskljucite pa umijesajte kakao i ljesnike. Pecite 3 kore, preko silikonskog papira, na temp 150*C oko 35 min. Ohladite.
Krem I-
Umutite jaja sa gustinom sa malo mlijeka. Preostalo mlijeko i secer stavite kuhati. Kada prokljuca, uspite mjesavinu sa jajima i kuhajte kao puding. Ohladite, pa u to dodajte umucen maslac.
Krem II-
Pomijesajte jaja i secer, kuhajte na pari dok se ne zgusne - 15+ minuta. U vrucu smjesu dodajte komadice cokolade, promijesajte i ohladite.
Umutite maslac pjenasto pa dodajte cokoladnu smjesu. Umutite u krem.
Na svaku koru nanesite krem I. U poslasticarsku kesu stavite krem II pa ga istinite preko krema I - ovo je njlaksi nacin nanosenja krema na krem (na povrsinsku koru mozete napraviti dekoratcije).
Slozite slojeve u tortu; rashladite u frizideru najmanje 1 sat prije rezanja.
Uzivajte u svakom zalogaju, kao BOEM!


Rabu, 16 November 2011

Basic Potato Salad

...also, For my post on 'Dinnerstyle' go to

This type of salad is mostly served in Mediterranean countries. It's easy to prepare and makes perfect accompany with fish.

4-6 potatoes (one large for each person - red ones are the best)
350 g green beans
salt and pepper
1 garlic clove, crushed
Olive oil and white wine winegar (3-4:1)
parsley leaves for garnishing
Peel and cook potatoes and beans. Slice potatoes, mix with beans. Pour olive oil and vinegar into a jar; salt and pepper to taste, add garlic and shake well (I prefer 4 parts of oil to 1 part of vinegar). Pour this dressing over the salad; garnish with parsley leaves. Enjoy warm or cold.
To this salad you can add anything from your fridge (hardboiled eggs, olives, onion, mayonese, other herbs...)

Osnovna krompir salata

...takodje, za moj post na 'Dinnerstyle' kliknite na

4-6 krompira (crveni - jedan veliki za svaku osobu)
350 gr mahuna
so i biber
1 ceno bijelog luka, protisnuto
maslinovo ulje i vinsko sirce (3-4:1)
lisce persuna za posuti
Skuhajte oguljeni krompir i mahune. Izrezite krompir, pomijesajte sa mahunama. Uspite ulje i sirce u teglu (Ja uvijek koristim 4 dijela ulja prema 1 dijelu sirceta), zacinite solju i biberom; dodajte bijeli luk. Dobro protresite teglu, pa prelijte ovo preko salate. Pospite persunovim liscem.
Sluzite toplo ili hladno.
Ovoj osnovnoj salati mozete dodati bilo sta iz vaseg frizidera (kuhana jaja, masline, luk, majoneza, drugo zacinsko bilje...)

Sabtu, 12 November 2011

Torte 'Panama'

Choco-coffee taste of this torte is irresistible!
For my friend - Happy Birthday Ann!

7 eggs
150 g sugar
60 g cacao
150 g walnuts, grounded
50 g bread crumbs
1 tbs rum
150 g butter, softened
150 g icing sugar
1 egg
1 teas vanilla extract
70 g dark chocolate, melted
50 ml strong coffee (instant is OK)
Preheat oven to 170*C; prepare a round cake tin (22 cm).
Whisk eggs with sugar until fluffy. Sift cocoa on top, add walnuts and crumbs (with rum). Fold in gently. Bake 25-30 min, or until inserted toothpick comes out clean.
Cool on a wire rack; then cut sponge into 2 layers.
For cream- mix sugar, egg and butter until soft and creamy. Add melted chocolate, vanilla and coffee. Spread each layer with this cream, leaving a bit for sides.
Put better layer on top and decorate with melted chocolate / walnuts. Refrigerate for 1 hour before slicing.

Panama Torta

Za rodjendan moje prijateljice Ane!

Za biskvit-
7 jaja
150 g šećera
60 g kakaa
150 g oraha, mljevenih
50 g mrvica kruha / hljeba
1 K ruma
Za kremu-
150 g maslaca, omeksalog
150 g šećera u prahu
1 jaje
1 Vanilin šećer (ili 1 k vanila ekstrakta)
70 g istopljene tamne čokolade
50 ml jake crne kafe (instant je OK)
Ukljucite rernu na 170*C, pripremite 22 cm obruc za torte.
Umutite jaja sa secerom da dobijete cvrstu, pjenusavu masu. Iskljucite mikser, dodajte kakao, orase i mrvice sa rumom. Rukom lagano sjedinite masu. Prespite u obruc i pecite 25-30 min, ili dok zabodena cackalica ne izadje vani cista. Prohladite biskvit, pa ga prerezite na pola da dobijete 2 sloja.
Za kremu- umutite jaje sa secerom i maslacem. Dodajte istopljenu cokoladu, vanilu i kafu. Dobro umutite , pa ovime premazite oba sloja torte i okolo. Postavite bolji sloj na povrsinu i ukrasite tortu sa cokoladom / orasima.
Hladite 1 sat u frizideru prije rezanja.

Kamis, 10 November 2011

Cooking-Varieties:Food and Health Benefits (Guest Post)

My guest today is Wan Maznah, blogger from Malaysia. When I discovered her blog, I was delighted to realise it's not a regular blog with written recipes. In Wans space you'll find jokes about food, educative statements about health benefits of certain food (radish for cough ), very unusual cooking techniques (cooking in salt or sand) even some rhyming recipes.
Now, that IS fun blog!

Moja gosca danas je Wan Maznah, blogerica iz Malazije. Kada sam otkrila njen blog, bila sam odusevljena cinjenicom da to nije obican blog sa napisanim receptima. Na njenom blogu cete pronaci sale o hrani (jokes about food), edukativne postove o ljekovitim svojstvima odredjenih namirnica (rotkva za kasalj -(radish for cough ), veoma neobicne tehnike kuhanja (pecenje u soli ili pijesku - (cooking in salt or sand), pa cak i nekoliko rimovanih recepata (rhyming recipes).

E, to je za mene zabavan blog!

Here is what Wan says about herself:

"I am Wan Maznah from Malaysia. I blog on foodie under the name "cooking varieties". Up keeping to the name “varieties”, my blog is acomposition of things culinary, including recipes, health benefits, food art, tips and food jokes. I have incorporated international recipes from international chefs/blogger chefs via guest posts. I would love to be a culinary artist with designer food that pleases both the palate and the eyes. Jasna did a guest post in my blog once, I find her recipes are generally very authentic and some looks gourmet too, like a platter fit for the high table- and nothing less. I feel very honored to be here in her esteemed culinary blog. Feel free to visit my site http://www.cooking-varieties.blogspot.com

I've chosen 2 posts from her blog, that I find very interesting. Have a look at tips on decorating a Swiss roll

Interesantan post o neobicnom dekoriranju rolata.

Or, how to make perfect, aromatic cup of tea using herbs from your garden:
Chamomile Cinnamon and Green Tea

Kako napraviti caj sa aromaticnim biljem iz vlastite baste

THANK you Wan for teaching me how to make Jasmine tea from my garden!

Rabu, 09 November 2011

Turkish Crepe Torte

November is month of birthdays and tortes in my household, so for next few weeks watch this space for delicious European style Birthday Cakes.

For crepes-
2 eggs
1,5 cups milk
1,5 cups flour
1,5 (+) cups water
pinch of salt
200 g walnuts, chopped finely (or other nuts)
150 g icing sugar
For sponge-
5 eggs
50 g flour
75 g sugar
50 g butter, melted
Melted chocolate for decorating, or icing sugar / cream (optional)
First make crepes. Beat eggs, add pinch of salt and milk. Sift flour and mix really well. Add water and work it into smooth batter. Heat a frying pan and make at least 12 crepes (21 cm diameter). I got 15 crepes.
Preheat oven to 170*C
For sponge; Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy, add butter. Fold in the flour.
Place 1 crepe into prepared (greased) 22 cm cake tin. Sprinkle with walnut/icing sugar mixture (2 heaped tbs approximately) Stack 4 of crepes that way (I did 5), then pour prepared sponge mix (1/3). Repeat the same with the rest of crepes (That means 4 crepes with walnuts, sponge mixture on that, another 4 and at the top sponge mixture).
Bake on 170*C for 35-45 minutes.
Decorate according to your taste.

Turska torta od Palačinaka

Novembar je u mom domacinstvu mjesec za rodjendanske torte.
Otpocecu sa receptom torte od palacinaka, koji imam vec jako dugo. Idealna je za one koji obozavaju palacinke!

Za palacinke-
2 jaja
1,5 solja mlijeka
1,5 solja brasna
1,5 (+) solja vode
prstohvat soli
200 oraha, krupno mljevenih (ili drugi orasi)
150 gr secera u prahu
Za biskvit-
5 jaja
50 gr brasna
75 gr secera
50 gr maslaca, otopljenog
Otopljena cokolada za ukrasavanje (ili secer u prahu / vrhnje...po zelji)
Umutite jaja sa solju i mlijekom. Dodajte brasno pa dobro izradite; dodajte vodu i promijesajte.
Ispecite najmanje 12 palacinki (ja sam dobila 15) promjera 21 cm.
Za biskvit umutite jaja sa secerom u pjenusavu smjesu. dodajte maslac i brasno i lagano rucno sjedinite.
Ukljucite rernu na 170*C; pripremite kalup od 22 cm i namastite ga.
Postavite prvu palacinku, pospite sa mjesavinom oraha i secera (oko 2 pune kasike) i nastavite tako redati. Kada postavite 4, prelijte 1/3 biskvitne mase, pa nastavite redati (znaci jos 4 palacinke sa orasima onda 1/3 biskvita i jos jednom tako - kod mene je bilo po 5 palacinki u 3 reda).
Pecite oko 35-45 minuta.
Dekorisite po sopstvenoj volji.

Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Slavonian Poppy Seed / Walnut Strudel

Strudels (with yeast) are speciality of Slavonian women (Slavonia is part of Croatia). This is an old recipe that I got from my Slavonian auntie.

500 g strong flour
1,5 teas yeast
100 g sugar
150 g butter, melted
4 medium eggs, beaten
100 ml milk, warm
zest of 1/2 lemon
-Poppy seed:
250 g poppy seeds, grounded
150 g sugar
50 gr sultanas
200 ml milk, boiling
250 g walnuts, processed
150 g sugar
50 g butter, melted
1-2 tbs vanilla sugar
150 ml milk, boiling
1 egg, beaten - for brushing
Mix yeast with a little warm milk and teaspoon each sugar and flour. When activated, add all other ingredients and make a soft dough, kneading for 5-10 minutes (or use bread machine). Cover and leave in a warm spot to double.
Prepare fillings: In 2 separate bowls mix dry ingredients for fillings (one for walnut and one for poppy seed filling). Pour boiling milk over each, stir and leave to cool.
When dough ready, roll out onto floured surface (cloth will help) and cut into 2 rectangles. Spread filling - poppy seed to one and walnut filling to other half, leaving last 2 cm of dough with out filling (brush this part with water). Roll each into a log. Place strudels onto greased tin. Cover with clean cloth and let it rest in a warm spot (20+ minutes).
Preheat oven to 180*C; brush strudels with beaten egg and bake for 40-45 min.
Slightly cool before cutting.
Keep well frozen.

Slavonska štrudla sa makom / orasima

Recept moje strine (Slavonka)

500 gr brasna
1,5 k instant kvasca(ili svjezi)
100 gr secera
150 gr maslaca, otopljenog
4 jajeta, srednje velicine, umucena
100 ml mlijeka, toplog
ribana korica 1/2 limuna
250 gr maka, mljevenog
150 gr secera
50 gr grozdjica
200 ml kljucalog mlijeka
- Orasi:
250 gr mljevenih orasa
150 gr secera
50 gr maslaca
1-2 K vanilinog secera
150 ml kljucalog mlijeka
1 jaje, umuceno - za premazivanje
Aktivirajte kvasac, pa umijesite tijesto od sastojaka. Ostavite na toplom mjestu (pokriveno) da naraste.
Pripremite fil- U 2 razlicite posude stavite suhe sastojke (za mak i za orase); prelijte kljucalim mlijekom i ostavite prohladiti.
Kada je tijesto spremno, pobrasnite stolnjak pa razvaljajte veliki pravougaonik. podijelite ga na 2 dijela i svaki filujte. Ostavite 2 cm pri kraju tijesta nenamazane; samo vodom premazite. Smjestite na nauljen pleh, pokrijte i ostavite na toplome 20 min+.
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C. Premazite strudle umucenim jajeto pa pecite 40-45 min.
Malo prohladite prije reznja.
Dobro se ocuvaju u zamrzivacu.

Rabu, 02 November 2011

Rosti with pan fried Salmon

...Swiss Potato Pancake!

4-6 medium potatoes, peeled
1 onion, finely grated
plain flour, to need
salt and pepper , to taste
oil for frying
4 Salmon fillets
Grate potatoes; add onion, salt and pepper. Leave it 10-15 min. Add enough flour to make soft and sticky 'dough'.
Heat a little oil in a pan. Dust palms with flour, take 3-4 tbs of potato dough and shape it with palms. Fry 2-3 pancakes at a time (do not over crowd, or rosti will not be crispy). Drain on paper towel.
Pan fry (seasoned) salmon; skin down first. Arrange with rosti onto plate and enjoy!

Švicarske palačinke od krompira (Rosti) sa prženim lososom

4-6 srednjih krompira, oguljeni
1 crveni luk, rendan na sitno
brasno, po potrebi
so i biber, prema ukusu
ulje za przenje
4 losos fileta
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Zagrijte ulje u tavi i przite 2-3 pljeskavice (ostavite dosta prostora izmedju njih tokom przenja, ili nece biti hrskave). Ocijedite na upijajucem papiru.
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Selasa, 01 November 2011

"Dinner Style" - guest post

"Welcome to Dinner Style, a blog devoted to the art of throwing a dinner party."

Those are the welcoming words of a young woman who's blog is called Dinner Style
It is a part fantasy and part practical blog; it features the best recipe ideas and party themes for entertaining at home. Written by Gloria Tenace, who aspires to be the hostess with the mostess. Her passions are bringing friends together with food and sharing practical tips so that more people enjoy entertaining at home.
Gloria takes art of entertaining to another level. She not only give ideas about cheese and wine; she also write about perfect dress for cocktail party, about stylish outdoor furniture and about Supporting local farmers.
"I have always enjoyed entertaining. Even in my early twenties, I enjoyed nothing more than spending my time at work dreaming up guest lists, menus and themes (sorry ex-bosses if you are reading this). Quickly I started taking over the preparation of family get-togethers and much to my mother’s relief Christmas dinner. I didn’t mind that most of my friends didn’t even notice the effort I put in (they were a bit more interested in knocking back the wine), that wasn’t why I did it."
What a delightful young woman!
Here are a couple of Gloria's posts that I find very interesting and helpful.

-Danasnji post je objavljen zahvaljujuci mojoj gosci sa bloga 'Dinner Style".
Blog je pokrenula Gloria Tenace, mlada zena iz Australije, koja blogiranje zaista dovodi na visi nivo. Ona ne samo da pise o idealnom vinu i siru (cheese) uz vasu veceru; ona ce predloziti i savrsenu haljinu (dress for cocktail party) za koktel party, ili ce pozvati svoje citatelje da daju podrsku lokalnim farmerima (Supporting local farmers) i kupe lokalne proizvode. Njen blog je djelimicno fantazija i djelimicno veoma praktican.
"Uvijek sam uzivala u ugoscavanju. Cak u mojim ranim dvadesetima, sjedeci u kancelariji, cesto sam sanjarila i planirala razne 'party-e'- sastavljala spiskove gostiju, odabirala jelovnik i temu zabave (izvinjavam se bivsim poslovodavcima, ako citaju ovo). Brzo sam pocela preuzimati odgovornosti o organizaciji porodicnih skupova i Bozicnih vecera (mami je to bilo veliko olaksanje)."

How to Pair Wine and Food / Kako uskladiti vino sa hranom

1. When pairing wine, match the weight and texture of the wine with the weight and texture of the food. For example, if you’re serving a light-bodied fish such as sea bass, then a fruity light wine such as Pinot Grigio would work well with it. If you’re having a heavier fish such as salmon then a richer-bodied wine such as a Burgundy or Pinot Noir would work well.
Uskladite 'tezinu' i teksturu vina prema hrani; ako servirate blagu ribu, birajte blaza vina. Za ribu sa jacim okusom (losos) moze ici i teze vino npr Burgundy)
2. Balance the strength of flavours in the wine with the strength of flavours in the food. If you’re serving a mild-tasting dish such as pork or turkey, then a milder wine such as a Sauvignon Blanc or Chardonnay is good. For more intense flavoured food, such as beef in a rich sauce or a tomato-based pasta dish, go for a fuller-bodied wine such as Cabernet Sauvignon or Shiraz.
Balansirajte jacinu okusa. Primjer: Ako servirate dobro zacinjeno jelo, treba da izaberete gusca i aromaticnija vina.
3. Match the flavours in the food with the flavours in the wine. For example, if you’re serving up duck in a plum sauce then a fruity red wine is in order. If you’re having a peppery dish then match a peppery Zinfandel.
Uskladite aromu i okus hrane sa vinom. Primjer ako servirate patku sa sosom od sljiva, treba da izaberete vina sa vocnim elementom.
4. Balance tastes. Though balancing the strength of the wine and food is important, it’s also necessary to bear in mind which tastes work well together. If you’re serving spicy food, for example, a rich wine will not work as it will be too overwhelming on the palatte, so go for a fruitier wine such as a riesling which will offset the spice.
Birajte upotpunjavajuce okuse. Morate imati na unu balans; ako je neko jelo ljuto, bolje je izabrati neko blaze vino sa vocnoim okusom Teska vina bi bila prekomjerna osjetilima i zelucu.

On the question of Glassware / O pitanju Čaša

There are correct types of glassware that should be used to serve every drink. You can be as strict or as casual as you like with this information, but it is good to know and apply in a realistic way to your life. Because this can get out of hand (see below)

The absolute basics. / Osnovno sta trebate imati

Fine water glasses: nothing looks worse than going to the effort of having nice wine glasses only to pull out some jam jar water glasses. I like stemless wine glasses for this, or other alternatives: long slender Hi-ball or a sturdy short stemed water glass.
Lijepe case za vodu
Champagne Flutes: I always have an extra box of these for birthday and other celebrations which have more guests.
Case za sampanjac
White Wine Glasses: In the most basic sense they should be smaller than the red wine glass. If you drink a particular white wine more than the others ie Sauvigion Blanc I would make the effort to purchase that exact glass style.
Case za Bijelo vino
Red Wine Glasses: As above in the most basic requirement would be to have the red wine glasses bigger than the white. And in the style you most frequently drink. I like having Shiraz and Pinot Glasses – since they are visually very different and make changing wines a bit more of an occasion.
Case za crveno vino
Desert Wine Glasses: You can pick up very cheaply, even if you don’t drink much dessert wine keep a box on hand.
Case za desertna vina
Sherry or Port Glasses: Particularly for when my parents visit. I have become quite particular to Spanish sherry after dinner as a treat rather than a dessert.
Case za Sherry / Port (slatka vina sa vecim procentom alkohola)