Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Peanut Butter Truffles

These truffles are healthy-ones. They contain  no cholesterol and no added sugar, they're gluten free and made with oats (which helps lowering bad cholesterol) and flaxseed (linseed), which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Made for my darling who is fighting high cholesterol (but my sons almost ate them all). Oh, cooking / baking involved! 

1 cup peanut butter*
2-3 tbs honey
2 tbs flaxseed, grounded 
2 tbs dessicated coconut 
1 cup instant (rolled) oats
-cocoa, coconut, crushed peanut for coating - optional 
Warm peanut butter (I microwaved it for 45 seconds), add honey and mix well. Add all other ingredients, fold in until incorporated. Take a tbsp at a time and roll between your hands. Coat with chosen ingredients and refrigerate; ready after 20 minutes.

 Peanut butter's is high in fat content; but most all of its fats are of the healthy monounsaturated type, which lowers "bad" LDL cholesterol levels. Peanut butter also contains polyunsaturated fats, which raises "good" HDL cholesterol levels. The synergy of both these types of fat in peanut butter makes it a good food choice for regulating your cholesterol at a healthy level.

 Kuglice sa Kikiriki Puterom

Ovo su zdrave kuglice; ne sadrzavaju kolesterol i secer, bez glutena su i sadrzavaju zob/jecam (pomaze snizavanju kolesterola) i sjeme lana, koje je bogato sa omega-3 masnim kiselinama. Napravljeno za mog dragog, koji se bori protiv povisenog kolesterola (ali moji sinovi su ih najvise pojeli). A da, pece se i ne kuha!

1 solja maslaca od kikirikija
2-3 K meda
2 K lanenog sjemena, samljevenog
2 K kokosa
1 solja instant zobi (presovane pahuljice)
-kakao, kokos, samljeveni kikiriki za uvaljati - po zelji
Zagrijte maslac (ja sam ga stvaila u mikrovalnu na 45 sekundi), umijesajte dobro med. Dodajte ostale sastojke i dobro promijesajte. Uzimajte po 1 kasiku ove mase i oblikujte u kuglice, zatim uvaljajte i odabranu masu. Rashladite u frizideru na 20-ak minuta prije sluzenja.

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