Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

Salmon with Mediterranean Dressing and Crispy Potato Wedges

Olive oil, lemon juice and chopped parsley are used as 'dressing' for fish mostly in Dalmatia (Croatia), Italy and Greece, but also in other Mediterranean countries, along with some more spices.

4 salmon fillets (1 per person), or fish of your choice
4 large potatoes
salt and freshly ground pepper
oil for frying
rocket or other salad leaves for serving
Mediterranean dressing-
small bunch of parsley leaves, chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
juice and zest of 1/2 lemon
1/2 cup olive oil, extra virgine
Peel, cut into wedges and boil potatoes for 10-12 minutes; take out of water and cool it slightly.
Heat some olive oil into a pan,season fillets and cook each side for few minutes (skin side first). Add more oil into pan, heat and fry seasoned potato wedges until golden and crispy.
Place fish and potatoes onto plate, add salad of your choice. Mix all ingredients for dressing, spoon over fish and salad. Enjoy!

Losos sa Mediteranskim Prelivom i Hrskavi Krompirici

Maslinovo ulje, limunov sok i persunovo lisce se kao preliv za ribu uglavnom koristi u Dalmaciji, Italiji i Grckoj, mada i druge Mediteranske zemlje slicno koriste uz dodatak vise zacina.

4 fileta lososa (1 po osobi) ili riba vaseg izbora
4 veca krompira
so i biber
ulje za przenje
rokula ili slicna salata
Mediteranski preliv-
mali svezanj persinova lisca, sjeckan
2 cena bijelog luka, protisnutog
sok i korica 1/2 limuna
1/2 solje djevicanskog maslinovog ulja
Ogulite, izrezite krompir i kuhajte ga 10-12 minuta u zasoljenoj vodi. Izvadite i ostavite prohladiti.
Zagrijte malo ulja u tavi, zacinite ribu i przite dok ne porumeni (strana sa kozom prvo). Dodajte jos ulja pa przite i krompir, dok ne porumeni.
Stavite ribu i krompir na tanjir zajedno sa salatom. Pomijesajte sve sastojke za preliv, pa kasikom prelijte ribu i salatu. Uzivajte!

Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

French Drumcticks with Zucchinis and Potatoes

4 medium potatoes
4 zucchinis
Freshly ground black pepper
oil for frying
8 large drumsticks (or 2 per person)
French spice blend-
1/4 cup flour
1 T dried mustard
1 T garlic powder
2 t paprika
1 t black pepper
1 t salt
Boil or microwave potatoes until cooked.
Cut off joint and skin of each drumstick, leaving bone exposed and with meat on upper part 'free'. Mix all dried spices with flour, dust meaty parts, shake off excess. Fry each side of drumstick for a few minutes, or until golden brown. Oil shouldn't be too hot, or drumstick will not be properly cooked. Take drumsticks out and wrap bones with al-foil. Discard excess oil, leaving only a tbs or so. Fry zucchinis (seazoned with salt and pepper) for a minute or two. Place meat, zucchinis and peeled boiled potatoes on plate and enjoy.

Francuski Bataci sa Tikvicama i Krompirom

4 srednja krompira
4 tikvice
svjeze mljeven crni biber
ulje za przenje
8 vecih bataka (ili 2 po osobi)
Francuska mjesavina zacina-
1/4 solje brasna
1 K senfa u prahu
1 K bijelog luka u prahu
2 k crvene paprike
1 k crnog bibera
1 k soli
Skuhajte krompire u vodi (ili mikrovalnoj).
Odrezite zglobove i kozu sa bataka, ostavljajuci gornji mesnati dio slobodan.
Pomijesajte brasno sa zacinima u prahu, uvaljajte batake. Przite na srednje jakoj vatri sa svih strana dok ne postane zlatno braon.Izvadite batkove i vidljivi dio kostiju oblozite folijom. Istresite visak ulja iz tave (ostavite samo malo) i proprzite tikvice (zacinjene solju i biberom) par minuta. Postavite sve na tanjir, zajedno sa oguljenim skuhanim krompirom i uzivajte.

Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Baharat Spiced Lamb Cutlets

Craving something oriental? The easiest way to satisfy your cravings is to use typical spice blends of certain country along with your favorite food.
In next few posts I'll give recipes of spice blends from different parts of the World. Today it is Turkey. This spice blend can be used with any meat.

2 lamb cutlets for each person
vegetables for grilling (your choice)
olive oil
Baharat Spice mix-
4 teas black pepper
3 teas coriander seeds
3 teas cinnamon
3 teas cloves
4 teas cumin seeds
1 teas cardamom pods
3 teas nutmeg
6 teas paprika
Grind all spices togheter. Rub lamb cutlets with this blend, salt it (optional). Brush cutlets with olive oil and grill on a very hot pan or bbq. Add some cut vegetables (zucchini, capsicum, eggplant, mushrooms) brushed with olive oil (and grilled), for complete meal. The rest of spice blen keep in a container with lid.

Jagnjeci kotleti sa Baharatom (Turskom mjesavinom zacina)

Najlaksi nacina za isprobati ukuse i mirise neke zemlje je da koristite njihove tipicne zacine. U nekoliko sljedecih postova cu dati recepte za zacine razlicitih zemalja. Danas je to Turska. Ovaj zacin se uglavnom koristi za utrljavanje u meso prije pecenja.

2 jagnjeca kotleta po osobi
Povrce po izboru, izrezano
Maslinovo ulje
Baharat mjesavina-
4 k crnog bibera
3 k korijander sjemena
3 k cimeta
3 k karanfilica
4 k kima
1 k kardamoma
3 k muskatnog / djeviz oraha
6 k paprike crvene
Sameljite (ili zdrobite) sve zacine zajedno, utljajte u meso, pa ga posolite i premazite uljem.
Povrce (paprike, gljive, tikvice, patlidzani) takodje namazite uljem i posolite
Pecite meso na veoma jakoj vatri - gril ili specijalna tava, zatim i povrce na nesto blazoj.
Visak mjesavine zatvorite u teglicu i cuvajte za sljedecu priliku.

Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

Lemon Curd

- no eggs recipe
4 Lemons
450 g sugar
225 g butter
1 tbs corn flour

-with eggs recipe (you'll get 3 cups of lemon curd)
1 1/3 cup lemon juice
1 3/4 cup sugar
zest of 2 large lemons
180 g butter
2 eggs
4 yolks

Zest all lemons into a heatproof bowl, add juice of 3 lemons, sugar and butter.
Place the bowl over a pan with simmering water (bowl should not touch water)
Once the mixture has melted, you need another 35-40 minutes to cook until mixture becomes thick. Scrap and stir constantly.
When a spoonful of curd dropped onto a saucer sets like thick yogurt, carefuly pour mixture into clean jars and put lids on.
Unopened, curd with no eggs will last for whole year; opened, refrigerated lasts for a month. Ideal as a gift to another cook / baker.

Lemon curd with eggs - mix all ingredients, put in a heavy bottomed pan and gently cook for 10 minutes. Curd with eggs lasts for 3-4 weeks.

Gusti namaz od limuna

(verzija bez jaja)
4 limuna
450 gr secer
225 gr maslaca

1 K skrobnog brasna

(verzija sa jajima, dobicete 3 solje = 750 ml )
1 1/3 solje soka limuna
1 3/4 solje secera
strugana korica (zuti dio samo) od 2 veca limuna
180 gr maslaca
2 jaja
4 zumanca

Izrendajte koricu od svih limuna (pazite da samo zuti dio zahvatite) u manju serpu / lonac, dodajte iscijedjen sok  limuna, maslac i secer. Stavite tu posudu na neku vecu posudu sa vodom (voda ne smije dodirivati), stavite na ringlu. Kada se sve istopi, trebate jos oko 35-40 minuta da kuhate uz stalno mijesanje. Testirajte poslije 30 min kuhanja- kada malo ove mjesavine stavite na tanjiric, treba da izgleda gustine jogurta. Tada pretresite mjesavinu u ciste teglice i zatvorite.
Neotvoreno moze stajati do godinu dana; otvoreno drzati u frizideru do mjesec dana.
Idealno kao poklon za drugu domacicu.

Za verziju sa jajima, izmijesajte sve sastojke i u posudi sa teskim dnom kuhajte 10-ak minuta.  
Ovaj ce trajati 3-4 sedmice na hladnom mjestu.

Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

Lemon Curd Filled Biscuits

It's raining today in my town. I love peaceful Fridays, when everyone is home, gathered around kitchen talking about highlights of the week and deciding on what to bake for weekend. Rhythmical patting of the rain adds it's charming part to this atmosphere. Idea came from my older son (17), who remembered these shortbreads I made once 10 years ago. (Edvin is diagnosed with mild autism; he has incredible memory. If I want to mark someones birthday, I tell him the date instead of writing into a calendar. Every now and then, when is someones birthday, we have an announcement "Today's .... (name) birthday.") The list in his memory is always expanding, and never disapoint.


2 cups plain flour

1/3 cup icing sugar

1/4 cup rice flour

200 g soft butter

1 egg

a bit of lemon zest

Lemon Curd for filling


Preheat oven to 160-170*C. Prepare baking sheet; cover with silicon paper.

Make a smooth dough out of all the ingredients (use food processor or knead by hand).

Take 1/2 tbs of dough and make small balls (or 1 tbs if you like larger biscuits).

Place them onto baking sheet, then press each ball with any suitable device to form a hole (chopstick, wooden pencil...in my case skewer for Kebab).

Bake for 15 min, or until very lightly golden.

Let it cool, then place some lemon curd into a plastic bag, cut small corner and squeeze into the holes. Dust with icing sugar (optional).


Prhki keksici filovani 'Zgusnutim' Limunom (Lemon Curd)

Danas pada kisa u mome gradicu i svojim romorom doprinosi atmosferi petka popodne.

Volim ta popodneva kada se svi okupimo u kuhinji, pricamo o dogadjajima protekle sedmice i predlazemo sta da pravimo za vikend. Ideja je dosla od mog starijeg sina

(17), koji se sjetio ovih kolacica koje sam pravila prije nekih 10 godina. Edvinu je dijagnosticiran blagi autizam; ima nevjerovatnu memoriju. Kada zelim da zapamtim neciji rodjendan, samo njemu kazem ime i datum, umjesto da zapisujem u kalendar. Svako malo, on izjavi "Danas je .... (ime) rodjendan". I tako svake godine, sa listom imena u njegovoj memoriji koja se uvijek siri i nikad ne zakaze.


2 solje brasna

1/3 solje secera u prahu

1/4 solje rizinog brasna

200 gr putera, omekshalog

1 jaje

malo ribane korice limuna

'Zgusnuti' Limun za punjenje


Ukljucite rernu na 170-180*C, pripremite pleh za pecenje i oblozite ga papirom.

Umijesite tijesto od svih sastojaka, bilo rucno ili uz pomoc sjeckalice.

Uzimajte po 1/2 K od tijesta, oblikujte kuglice i stavljajte na pleh. (ukoliko volite vece kekse pravite kuglice od 1 K tijesta)

Svaku kuglicu nabodite sa necim prikladanim (drvena olovka, ili slicno)i stavite peci 15-ak minuta. Kada izvadite iz rerne, prohladite ih i onda punite zgusnutim limunom (koji stavite u manju kesu sa odsjecenim vrhom). Pozelji kekse mozete posuti secerom u prahu.


German 'Kugelhopf' with Dried Fruit and Walnuts

1 package dry yeast
3/4 cup warm milk
3 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
3 eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
1 tablespoon grated orange zest
1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom
1/2 teas pure vanilla extract
3/4 cup walnuts, chopped
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup citrus peel, candied
1/4 cup dried cranberries
2 tbs Kirschwasser or Rum
Orange Glaze-
1 cup confectioner's (powdered) sugar
1 teas grated orange zest
1/4 teas pure orange extract
5 teaspoons freshly squeezed orange juice
In a small mixing bowl, combine dry fruit and brandy. Set aside to let the fruit soak.
In another bowl, combine yeast and warm milk; stir and let rest until yeast is dissolved, about 10 minutes.
Combine the flour, salt, and cardamom; whisk together to mix. Set aside.
In a large mixing bowl, add the butter and orange zest; with an electric mixer on medium speed beat the butter and orange zest about 1 minute until it is smooth and light in color. Add the sugar, eggs, and vanilla; mix thoroughly. Add the yeast mixture and mix thoroughly.
With the mixer on low speed, add about one half of the flour mixture, mix until the flour is completely blended. Scrape the bowl down with a rubber spatula, and add the rest of the flour; mix until completely blended. The dough will be very soft.
Place dough in a well greased bowl. Cover bowl with a small kitchen towel and let dough rise in a warm place, until doubled in size; about 2 hours.
Stir the dough down, cover, and let rise again until doubled in size, 1 to 2 hours. This second rise improves the texture and takes less time, however this rise is optional.
Prepare one Kugelhopf tin; generously grease with butter.
Stir the dough down. Stir the fruit and soaking brandy or liqueur, and broken walnuts into the dough. Spoon the dough into the prepared pan. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled in size, 1 to 2 hours.
Preheat oven to 170-180*C. Bake 35 to 40 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove tin from oven, and cool on a wire rack for 10 minutes then remove Kugelhopf from the tin and finish cooling on a wire cooling rack.
Orange Glaze-
In a small bowl, combine confectioner's sugar and orange zest. Add orange extract and orange juice and stir until smooth. Add additional teaspoon of orange juice if needed to make a good drizzling consistency. The glaze should be like a soft icing, but thin enough that it will run down over the sides of the cake.
Drizzle glaze over the cake, allowing the glaze to drip down the sides. Let the glaze set before serving.

Njemacki vocni kuglof sa orasima

1 suhi kvasac
3/4 solje toplog mlijeka
3 solje brasna
1/2 solje secera
3 jaja
1/2 k soli
1/2 solje maslaca, rastopljenog
1 K ribane korice narandze
1/2 k kardamoma u prahu
1/2 k vanila ekstrakta
3/4 solje oraha, krupnije rezanih
1/2 solje grozdjica
1/2 solje kandirane korice citrusa
1/4 solje brusnica, suhih
2 K ruma ili rakije od tresanja
Glazura sa narandzom-
1 solja secsera u prahu
1 k ribane korice narandze
1/4 k ekstrakta narandze (po zelji)
5 k iscjedjenog soka narandze
Pomijesajte alkohol sa susenim vocem, ostavite po strani.
U drugoj posudi pomijesajte kvasac sa toplim mlijekom, neka se odmori 10 minuta.
Secer, jaja, vanilu i narandzinu koricu miksajte; dodajte mlijeko sa kvascem, te brasno sa ostalim sastojcima. Tijesto ce biti mekano. Pokrijte posudu sa tijestom i ostavite na toplom da nadodje. Promijesajte tijesto i ponovo ostavite odmarati. Ovo ce poboljsati krajnji rezultat kuglofa, mada nije neophodno.
Pripremite kalup za kuglof, namazite maslacem.
Istresite tijesto na radnu povrsinu, umijesajte voce i orahe. Prebacite tijesto u kalup, pokrijte i ostavite 1-2 sata da naraste.
Ukljucite rernu (170-180*C) i pecite 35-40 minuta, ili dok ne porumeni. Prebacite peceni kuglof na zicu i ostavite 10 min hladiti, zatim ga izvadite iz kalupa i ostavite na zici.
Glazura sa narandzinim sokom-
Pomijesajte sve sastojke dobro, prelijte kuglof. Neka se dobro ohladi i glazura malo stisne prije nego pocnete rezati.

Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Homemade Sauerkraut / Preserving Cruciferous

Any vegetable from cruciferous family (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower...) can be preserved in following way. You can even add some pieces of other vegetables (carrot, capsicum, onion, chillies...) to it, as long as cruciferous make more than 60% of total weight of vegetables.

salt, 40-60 g per L (2-3 tbs)
Glass containers, very clean
(large wooden or plastic containers for Sauerkraut)
Spices like coriander or cumin seeds, peppercorns (your choice)
a few wooden sticks
Wash vegetables and divide into small florets. Cabbage can be shredded or left whole - in that case hollow out the stem end of the cabbage.
Bring enough water to boil; add 40-60g salt per liter and mix until salt dissolved. Take off the heat.
Put vegetables into prepared containers, pressing slightly, add spices. Place wooden sticks on top of vegetables (cross them), securing well. Pour salty water over, making sure all vegetables and wooden sticks are underneath. (Sauerkraut should be emerged under salty water all the time; large river stone placed over clean wooden sticks will ensure this - see photo). Close lids, and place containers in a cool dark spot. In a few days liquid will become cloudy; that means that cruciferous are working (releasing lactic acid). It will also produce specific smell, that is not pleasant to many. That's why you should have all containers away from living room/ kitchen. Best place would be garage or laundry.
After 2 weeks your vegetable should be ready (Large cabbage heads need more time; 3-4 weeks), but you can keep them as long as winter last.

Kiseli Kupus / I ostalo povrce iz porodice kupusara

so, 40-60 gr po litri vode
tegle / galoni za sitnije povrce
(drveno ili plasticno bure za cijele glavice kupusa)
drveni prutici / dascice
zacini kao sto su biber, kim, korijander (sjeme) - vas izbor
Operite povrce i tegle. (Kupus ocistite od losih listova, izdubite mu korijen)
Prokljucajte vodu, dodajte so i promijesajte. Smaknite sa vatre.
Stavite isjeceno povrce u tegle (kupus u bure), pritiskajuci blago; ubacite odabrane zacine. Na povrsinu ukrstite par drvenih prutica (jace dascice za kupus, koje treba da su pritisnute opranim rijecnim kamenom). Nalijte slanu vodu, pazeci da povrce i prutici budu pod vodom. Zatvorite i ostavite na hladno i mracno mjesto.
Sitnije povce ce biti gotovo brze; kupusu treba 3-4 sedmice najmanje (u ovisnosti o temperaturi). Tecnost u teglama ce se zamagliti, a i osjeticete poznati miris.

Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

Sarma - Sauerkraut Rolls

Sour Cabbage (Sauerkraut) is very popular food in many European countries. Preserving of whole heads (or shredded) cabbages is simple, doesn't use chemicals and is natural way to lock-in goodness of vegetables. (Watch next post for this process.)
Sarma (cabbage rolls) is made with leaves of Sauerkraut, and is most desirable winter food in Balkan countries.
Be very careful about salting your food that contains Sauerkraut; many ready bought cabbages contain a lot of salt, and need to be rinsed before using in a recipe.

750 g mince (half beef, half pork gives best results)
2 tbs oil
2 med onions, chopped
2 tbs paprika, smoked preferably
1/2 tbs black pepper, grinded
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tbs Vegeta
1 small bunch parsley leaves, chopped
1 cup short grain rice
1 head of sauerkraut ('sour' cabbage)
bits and pieces of smoked meat ( hooks / speck / meat),optional
for finishing- 2 tbs oil, 1,5-2 tbs flour, 1 tbs paprika
Salt if needed
Prepare cabbage leaves; pull each leaf apart, cut large leaves into 2. Make sure to cut and discard hard and thick central cores - see photo down.
Place all other ingredients (except 'for finishing')into a large bowl. Mix well. Take a handful of this mixture, place on a (halved) leave and roll. Push the other end of roll to secure filling - see pictures.
Place finished rolls into a large pot. If you don't have non-stick pot, placing some cabbage offcuts will prevent burning and sticking sarma to the bottom. In between rolls put some smoked products (optional), as this will give smoky flavor to Sarma.
When all finished, cover sarma with an upside -down plate (should fit into the pot) and fill with water (just above the plate). Cover with lid and bring slowly to boil. Simmer for 1,5-2 hours.
Sarma will rise; add more hot water if necessary. Check if salt needed.
Finishing- Heat oil in a small pot, add flour and cook until slightly golden. Take away from heat, put paprika and then pour some water from large pot with sarma. It's best to prepare 1 cup of cooking water before you start cooking flour, as you need to pour water into finishing sauce at once, and stir vigorously. Pour this sauce back into large pot with sarma and let it boil once more.
Sarma is best 2-3 days later after cooking.

Preparing large leaves


Finishing other side

Placing SARMA into cooking dish


Vjerujem da svi mi imamo neke svoje recepte za Sarmu, koje cemo da prenesemo na sljedecu generaciju. Ovako je ja pravim-

750 gr mljevenog mesa (najbolje pola govedine, pola svinjetine)
2 srednja crvena luka, sjeckana
2 K ulja
2 K paprike, dimljene ako imate
1/2 K crnog bibera, mljevenog
2 cena bijelog luka, sitno sjeckanog
1 K Vegete, ili slicno
1 manja vezica persunovog lisca, sjeckana
1 solja rize sa kracim zrnom
1 glavica kiselog kupusa
malo dimljenih proizvoda (po zelji)
za 'zaprsku'-2 K ulja, 1,5-2 K brasna, 1 K paprike

Pripremite listove kupusa; Odrezite zile iz sredine, velike listove prepolovite.
Pazite da vam kupus nije preslan - isperite ako je tako.
Umijesajte sve sastojke (osim za zaprsku). Stavite saku mjesavine na svaki list i zarolajte; zatim gurnite visak lista sa druge strane (slike).
Stavite sarmu na red ruznih / neupotrebljivih listova kupusa. Izmedju redova sarme stavite malo dimljenih proizvoda; ovo ce dati specifican miris sarmi. Kada zavrsite sa filovanjem, pokrijte sarmu preokrenitim tanjirem, pa nalijte vodom (samo da ogrezne). Poklopite serpu / lonac. Stavite na ringlu i dovedite do kljucanja. Krckajte 1,5-2 sata. Dolijte jos vrele vode ako je neophodno.
Zaprska- zagrijte ulje, proprzite brasno. Smaknite sa ringle, dodajte papriku i zalijte sa vodom iz sarme; promijesajte dobro i vratite u serpu sa sarmom. Prokljucajte jos jednom.
Sarma je bolja drugi ili treci dan od kuhanja.

Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

Parisian Pastry

Evoking my memories from Paris...

1 sheet of puff pastry (25X25cm)
8 teas jam
1 teas corn flour
icing sugar for sprinkling
(or Nutella, thick custard...for filling)
Take the dough out of freezer, and let it defrost.
Mix jam and cornflour well, heat in microwave oven until start bubbling. Let it cool.
Divide puff pastry into 8 equal pieces. Cut surface of 4 of them, so it represents a 'mesh' (2 rows of 2 cm cuts with a space of 1 cm; In between those cuts, from middle to middle make another row of cuts). Use pastry cutter for 'mesh' effect if you got it.
On whole pieces of dough put some of thickened jam: place 'meshed' part, press the edges with your fingers.
Bake 10 min, on 200*C; dust with icing sugar and enjoy!

Pariška peciva

...evociranje sjecanja na 3 dana u Parizu

1 list lisnatog tijesta (25X25cm)
8 kasicica dzema po zelji
1 kasicica gustina
malo secera u prahu
(ili Nutela, gusci puding...za punjenje)
Izvadite tijesto iz zamrzivaca, ukoliko takvo koristite.
Pripremite nadjev za peciva: dzem i gustin pomijesajte, pa ga ‘zgusnite’ . Dovoljno je da kratko prokljuca (mikrovalna ili na ‘vatri’). Ostavite hladiti! U medjuvremenu podijelite lisnato tijesto na 8 jednakih dijelova. Jednu polovinu svakoga dijela narezite na ‘mrezu’ – napravite proreze 2 cm dugacke, sa razmakom od 1cm. Treba da dobijete 2 reda proreza. Izmedju tih proreza (od srede do srede), narezite druge – tako kada tijesto blago rasirite dobijete efekat mreze. Pri tome pazite da ivice tijesta ne prorezete!
Na citavi dio tijesta nanesite po malo gustog dzema, pa preklopite sa narezanom polovicom. Krajeve pritisnite prstima.
Pecite na 200*c 10-ak minuta.
Pospite secerom u prahu i uzivajte!
Ovakva brzinska peciva mozete puniti guscim pudingom, Nutelom…
Najbolje ih je konzumirati dok su jos topli.

Senin, 11 Juli 2011

'Canned' Bread

...or, how to make perfectly shaped bread for canapes / open sandwiches.
This is my favorite everyday bread recipe.

1,5 cup white flour
1,5 cup stone ground wholemeal flour
1,5 cup rye flour
2 teas salt
2 tbs molasses or honey
3 tbs olive oil
2 teas yeast
1 tbs cocoa (optional)
Spices are optional -
1 teas each cumin, fennel, and coriander seeds
1 tbs caraway seeds
3 tall cans, greased
Place all ingredients into a bread making machine and program it for dough, or do it by hand - Start the yeast in a little warm water mixed with a teas of flour; Add the rest of ingredients and make a soft pliable dough. Knead for 5-10 minutes. Let it double (covered) in a warm spot. Divide dough into 3, shape balls and press them into cans. Let it rest for 45 min, then bake for 30 min at 180*C. Take them out and cool on a rack.

'Konzervirani' Hljeb / Kruh
...ili kako oblikovati perfektan hljeb za otvorene sendvice / zalogaje
Ovo je moj najdrazi recept za svakodnevni hljeb.

1,5 solja bijelog brasna
1,5 solja brasna od punog zrna, veoma sitno mljevenog (pod kamenom)
1,5 solja razanog brasna
2 k soli
2 K molase ili meda
3 K maslinovog ulja
2 k suhog kvasca
1 K kakaa (po zelji)
Zacini ako zelite -
1 k kima, fenela,i korijander sjemena
1 K 'Caraway' sjemena (izgleda kao sjeme kima ali je blaze)
3 visoke konzerve, nauljene/ namascene
Umijesite tijesto pomocu masine za hljeb / kruh, ili to ucinite rucno - Aktivirajte kvasac sa malo tople vode i brasna; dodajte ostale sastojke i umijesite mekano tijesto. Ostavite na toplom mjestu da nadodje. Zatim podijelite tijesto, oblikujte u 3 kugle. Ubacite u konzerve (
 trebate imati pola konzerve slobodno za nadolazenje) i ostavite na toplom mjestu oko 45 min. Ukljucite rernu na 180*C i pecite oko pola sata. Ispeceno izvadite i ostavite hladiti na resetki.

Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

Beef Rendang

This is a very popular Malaysian dish. A lot of ingredients are needed, but it's really worth all the time, money and energy for producing it. It's taste becomes better if you keep it for a day or two.

5 long dried chillies, seeds removed
2 medium onions, chopped
5 cloves garlic, chopped
3cm knob galanghal, grated
3cm knob young ginger, grated
1-2 lemongrass stalks, finely chopped
1/4 cup vegetable oil
4 lime leaves (rolled and sliced)
1 kg topside or chuck steak, cut into 3cm cubes
1 cup coconut milk
4 tbsp meat curry powder (see note)
1/2 cup water
1 cup desiccated coconut, dry toasted and ground
Salt to taste
1- 2 tbsp thick soy sauce
Soak chillies in hot water until soft. Place chillies, onion, garlic, galanghal, ginger and lemongrass into a blender. Blend to a paste, adding a little of the soaking water from the chillies.
Heat a heavy based pan. Add oil and then fry the paste adding the turmeric and lime leaves. Mix and cook for 3-4 minutes, until fragrant.
Add steak, stir in coconut milk and then the curry powder. Add the water and the desiccated coconut. Stir and simmer for 2 hrs, or until meat is tender. Season with salt and soy sauce. Serve with rice.
Note: If you can't buy ready made Meat Curry Powder, toast
10 cloves
10 black peppercorns
4 cardamom pods
1 cinnamon stick
4 dried chillies
4 T coriander seeds
2 T cumin seeds
1 tsp fennel seeds
1 tsp turmeric
1 star anise
Grind all spices together.

Rendang Govedina

Ako bih bila u prilici da preporucim bilo koje jelo Malazije, to bi bilo ovo. Potrebno je mnogo zacina (za koje bas nisam sigurna da mozete sve pronaci), ali je zaista vrijedno svog truda i vremena. Bolje je ako odstoji dan-dva.

5 crvenih papricica (one malo vece), ociscene od sjemena
2 srednja luka, sjeckana
5 cena bijelog luka, sitno sjeckanog
3 cm galangala, rendanog sitno
3 cm djumbira, rendana sitno
1-2 stabljike 'limun trave'
1/4 solje ulja
4 lista limete, sjeckane
1 kg govedine (od vrata), sjecene na vece kocke
1 solja kokosovog mlijeka
4 kasike carija za meso (vidi * dole)
1/2 solje vode
1 solja kokosa , propecenog i samljevenog
so prema ukusu
Namocite papricice u vreloj vodi dok ne omeksaju. Stavite papricice, luk, bijeli luk, galangal, djumbir i limun travu u sjeckalicu. Sjeckajte dok se ne formira pasta; mozete dodati malo vode u kojoj su se papricice mocile.
Zagrijte ulje u serpi, proprzite pripremljenu mjesavinu, dodajte turmerik i listove limete. Kuhajte 3-4 minute. Dodajte meso, kokosovo mlijeko i kari mjesavinu. Dodajte vodu i samljeveni kokos, promijesajte i kuhajte na blagoj vatri oko 2 sata. Zacinite sa solju i soja sosom. Servirajte sa rizom.
* Mjesavina za kari, ako nemozete naci gotov
10 karanfilica
10 zrna crnog bibera
4 caure kardamoma
1 komad cimeta (2,5-3 cm)
4 suha chilija
4 K sjemena korijandera
2 K sjemena kima
1 k fenel sjemena (kormorac?)
1 k turmerika
1 anis zvijezda
sameljite sve zacine vrlo sitno

Senin, 04 Juli 2011

Apple Pie Aussie Style

One of best and most loved desserts in the World.

150g cold butter, roughly chopped
1/4 cup caster sugar
1 cup plus 1 tbs plain flour
1/2 cup plus 1 tbs self-raising flour
1 large egg, lightly beaten
About 1 1/2 teaspoons caster sugar, for sprinkling on top of pie
8 large (Granny Smith) apples
juice of 1/4 lemon
30 g unsalted butter
1/2 cup caster sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon
Put all pastry ingredients into a food processor. Process until it becomes incorporated. Take out, knead a bit, wrap and let it rest.
Meanwhile, peel and cut apples. Place them in a saucepan with 1 tbs water, lemon juice, butter, sugar and cinnamon. Cook until soft.
Preheat oven to 180*C; Prepare a pie dish.
Divide dough into 2 balls (one should be bigger); Roll out the dough into 2 circles. Put larger one into the pie dish, spoon apple filling onto it, cover with smaller dough circle. Press the edges with your fingers. Brush with water and sprinkle with sugar. Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until golden. Enjoy while still warm.

Australijska Pita sa Jabukama

150 gr maslaca iz frizidera, izrezanog
1/2 solje sitnog secera
1 solja + 1 K brasna
1/2 solje + 1 K samodizajuceg brasna
1 vece jaje, umuceno
oko 1,5 k sitnog secera, za posuti po piti
8 vecih jabuka (zelene su najbolje)
sok od 1/4 limuna
30 gr maslaca
1/2 solje secera
1 k cimeta
Sve sastojke za tijesto stavite u sjeckalicu i ukljucite. Mijesajte dok se sastojci ne ujedine. Izvadite i jos malo mijesite rukom, umotajte u prozirnu foliju i ostavite odmoriti.
U medjuvremenu, stavite oguljene i isjecene jabuke dinstati sa 1 K vode i ostalim sastojcima za fil. Kuhajte dok ne omeksa, ali pazite da se ne raspadne.
Ukljucite rernu i pripremite pleh za pitu.
Podijelite tijesto na 2 lopte, vecu i manju. Razvaljajte na krugove. Veci krug stavite u pleh, na njega stavite fil, pa prekrijte manjim krugom tijesta. Ivice slijepite pritiskom prstiju. Premazite povrsinu pite sa vodom, pa pospite secerom. Pecite 25-30 minuta na 180*C, ili dok pita ne porumeni. Uzivajte dok je jos topla.

Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

Cranberry-Orange Nut Bread

This is a wonderfully aromatic sweet bread, that is very much loved in my household during winter time, usually for breakfast or with coffee / tea.

2 cups flour
1 teas baking powder
1/4 teas baking soda
1 cup sugar
1 large egg
1/2 teas salt
2/3 cup buttermilk
6 tbs butter, melted
1/3 cup fresh orange juice
1 tbs orange zest
1 cup cranberries, chopped
1/2 cup toasted nuts (walnuts), chopped
Preheat oven to 180*C, prepare a bread pan.
Combine all dry ingredients + nuts and fruit in a large bowl, mix with a spoon. In a smaller bowl, mix all wet ingredients. Pour it into the bowl with dry ingredients, mix until combined, but don't overdo it. Spoon into the bread pan. Bake 35-40 min, or until inserted toothpick comes out clean. Enjoy warm or cool.

Slatki Hljeb / Kruh sa Brusnicama, Narandzom i Orasima

Jedan od onih divnih, jednostavnih recepata koji odusevljavaju. Volimo ga imati za dorucak ili uz kafu / caj.

2 solje brasna
1 k praska za pecivo
1/4 k sode bb
1 solja secera
1 vece jaje
1/2 k soli
2/3 solje tecnog jogurta /kiselog mlijeka
6 K maslaca, otopljenog
1/3 solje svjeze iscijedjenog soka narandze
1 K narandzine korice
1 solja brusnica, sjeckanih
1/2 solje pecenih oraha, sjeckanih
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C, pripremite kalup za hljeb.
U vecu posudu uspite sve suhe sastojke + voce i orahe; promijesajte.
U manju posudu umijesajte sve vlazne sastojke; malo mutite dok se ne sjedine mase.
Uspite u suhe sastojke i mijesajte dok se sve ne sjedini; nemojte previse mijesati, postace zilavo.
Uspite u pripremljeni pleh i pecite 35-40 minuta ili dok test-cackalica ne izadje suha iz tijesta. Odlicno toplo ili hladno.